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by (284 points)
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I started a new character and I had 9k before going hunt when I finished hunting (and it was a profitable one) I went buying more potions and I spent 1.6k and my balance was 700 gp.

I checked market, inbox, and there was nothing there and I could not be hacked because I was online the whole time. What happened?
by (284 points)
Mammoths west of svargrond
by (17,406 points)
How much pots did you buy and what type? Did you travel with buddel?
by (284 points)
30 mana potion (the small ones 56 gp). No I just walked.

1 Answer

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by (464 points)

Hello, after reading it, i imagine you are a new player and thats why u have this kind of problems. 

I thought in 2 possible options and lets see if im correct

1) Price its not correct

Example:  You Loot Halberd (400gp in NPC) but someone sold it in market at 2k (2.000gp). 
Inside Cyclopedia you have 2 options for each item in game - NPC value (400gp) or market value (2k).
You should check what items are u looting in this hunt and check the real price of the items. 

2) You didnt sell yet

Example:  Same example as before, u loot halberd item (400 gp NPC).
Your party hunt its +400gp but you dont have this money yet, u have an item wich cost 400 gp. 

Ofc after your hunts you have to sell all the loot (in npc or maket) for win this amount on money that you have in party hunt analyzer.

I hope i helped you,
Greetings, Gleemody


by (284 points)
I had 9k BEFORE going hunt even if I loot nothing I still would have 7k left. Beside I did not sell anything yet but only in gold I looted more than the cost of the potions.
by (464 points)
You bougth potions or runes?

Or maybe you used the boat?
by (284 points)
As I said before, I bought 30 mana potions and I walked to the hunting place.
by (464 points)
Thats becoming difícult if u want help i can help u in private