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by (64 points)
Since my net sucks sometimes to be able to hunt, i'd like to know what do you consider the best way to make profit without involving a full normal hunt?

- Any sort of mini boss?
- Search for fiendish monsters?
- A task that could be luck-based and/or repeated many times?

Any other ideas?

2 Answers

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by (152 points)
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Best answer
- Search for fiendish creatures. You can sell gems and slivers, both pay well.

- Do warzone tasks. You can do them solo every day and sell crystalline tokens, silver tokens and whatever else you get.

- Do warzone bosses: You can do them every day, but you need a team. In most worlds, people do them at some specific time of the day. Ask in the world chat for what is the time people go to warzone in your world.

- Resell items from the market to NPCs. Often players sell items for a lower price than they are worth for in NPCs. They do it to save their time. For example, you can buy boots of haste for 29k from the market and resell it to blue djinn for 30k. (You can also put your own buy orders.)

- Resell houses. You can be on top of the house auctions in your world and buy houses for a cheap price while they're auctioned, and then resell them directly to players for a higher price.

- Sell quest and outfit items in the market. For example, you can produce document of the follower/officer/leader and sell them in the market; you can also collect and sell dwarven pickaxe and other similar items players want quickly when they're questing.
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by (1,208 points)
If you dont have internet problems, warzone tasks And fiendish monsters are cool options as @oezetat said, if you have internet problems this two options can be risky for you.

The safest options are:

-Set an offer in market buying "Talon" It costs 320 gp in Carlin.

-With Blue Djinn Buy "Orb", It costs 750 gp.

Why this 2 ítems? They are cheap and common so you will invest little money.

With imbuement ítems you can make good money too but you Will need to invest More. Try with elemental protection imbuement ítems. Right now a lot of people are hunting Jaded Roots so try with that elements (earth and fire)

And finally do Drome. With some luck or a good Score you will receive a Drome option every 2 weeks. Depending on your server you may sell it in 5-10kk.

Good luck :)