+1 vote
by (284 points)
There is some way of checking if your time in feeding grounds is over? And there is a way of checking how much do you have left?

1 Answer

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by (1,212 points)
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Best answer
There is no way ingame but, in the moment you enter feeding grounds for the "first time", you'll se an orange messange saying that you have to hours to enter the feeding grounds so you can save the hour you enter for the first time and you will know how much time left you have.
by (2,513 points)
There's actually a way if you're online. A spark will appear on you (like an electrification effect) and you get an orange message on your screen that says your time on the feeding grounds is over. I downvoted you cause this answer is not correct. Please consider fixing it.
by (1,212 points)
Hmm well, You can't CHECK IT. You receive the orange message in the momment your time is over, so it is a notification not a check. I said "There is no way ingame" cause the description literally said "checking how much time do you have left" and there is no timer we can check ingame