+1 vote
by (5,523 points)
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To feed the Porker you must collect items from the Feeding Grounds. The items you can feed the Porker are Addled Egg, Bread Crust, Flaccid Salad, Old Meat, Potato Peelings, and Rotten Tomatoes.

I was wondering how do these items spawn within the Feeding Grounds? Will they spawn on your screen if you wait or will it block the spawn? Does killing the orgers affect the spawn rate of these items? Is it just random around the cave?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (3,816 points)
I wanted the get the secret achievement of the island so I had feed the porker more than once, the food respawn every 3-5 minutes if you are on screen or not, you can mark the place where it spawns because that food will always spawn on that place, it can spawn food on both floors of the cave… I didn’t kill the ogers while doing it so I think it doesn’t change the respawn rate…
0 votes
by (28 points)
The items needed for feeding the meager pig can spawn on your screen. However, they spawn in the beginning of the cave, whilst you have to pick it up and run to the pig. That means you can just carry something like 5-10 items before having to run to the Porker, otherwise they will disappear. So you have to make several trips:

Pro Tip: You can do this with other players, so getting to feed the Porker with 300 items will be a lot easier this way, but not necessary.
by (17,406 points)
Hmm.. I find food on -2 floor not just near the entrance. Im sorry but you're missing the meat (lol) of the question you didn't answer: I was wondering how do these items spawn within the Feeding Grounds? Will they spawn on your screen if you wait or will it block the spawn? Does killing the orgers affect the spawn rate of these items? Is it just random around the cave?