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I want to set my "turn up", "turn down" etc to a different hotkey than Ctrl+W, Ctrl+S etc

Is it possible? I didn't find it in the hotkeys configuration, but I don't know if there is another way to do that.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (564 points)
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When I was attempting to achieve that some time ago, it turned out to be impossible to remap "Ctrl+W" to another action.

More specifically, you can bind GoSouth/West/North/East actions to any two keys you like. (Personally I prefer ESDF over WSAD). You can also select which modifiers (Ctrl, Shift, Alt) would cause rotation instead of moving. This allows you to, for instance, use E to go north, while Shift+P to rotate north; but the quirk is that Shift+E still does that as well. (That works by binding P to "move north").

For details, you can inspect the clientoptions.json file located somewhere next to your screenshot directory. You will find that the structure of this file follows the options available in GUI. For example:

    "actionsetting": {
        "action": "GoNorthWest"
     "keysequence": "W"


        "rotateWithAlt": false,

        "rotateWithCtrl": true,

        "rotateWithShift": true,

Therefore it seems impossible to set in the game the "turn up" action to a single key without a modifier. It might be possible with external tools, but that's a legal gray area.
