+3 votes
by (2,208 points)
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If there's any,

The NPC Charles offers a cheaper and shorter travelling option with a chance of shipwrecking. Since I know this holds a part of Secret Library quest and that quest has a level requirement, I wonder if this, too.

by (1,558 points)
Which Port Hope shortcut?
by (2,208 points)
Port Hope shortcut from the boat. You can ask the Captain for a shortcut and he'll tell you he has a shorter rout with a risk of shipwreck for less gold to some cities like Thais, Darashia. I edited my question to avoid lack of context, thanks!

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (3,816 points)
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Best answer
No, you can ask for shortcut at any lvl the lowest lvl I tried is lvl 20 and I even went to a island in first try (starting the secret library quest) so at least for that part no lvl required