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by (1,534 points)
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So I was on my way to Svargrond after delivering the mammoth task to Grizzly Adams, then suddenly and without any explanation Charles (ship captain in Port Hope) says that I'm drunk, "16:53 Charles: Your ramblings make no sense at all. You are probably drunk. Get lost!" He doesn't allow me to travel. I think is part of a quest or an achievement but I don't have any hint, my character isn't drunk at all so...

  1. Why does this happen?
  2. Why doesn't he want me to travel?
  3. How did I trigger this?
  4. How do I solve this?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (5,319 points)
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Best answer

As much Charles has his role in Secret Library quest, this is more a “cash” problem.

Please check your balance- he will say this to you if you do not have enough gold.

If this is not working and you really refuse to walk, use Adventurers stone and talk with Charos for his special services https://www.tibiaqa.com/14221/until-what-level-is-it-possible-to-use-the-teleport-service-of-charos

by (1,534 points)
thx for it, i really thought was part of something greater