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There are limited items on new world, therefore i know i won't be able to finish all 14 dishes this year. What happens next year? I will have to finish all 14 from the beginning and after that i can do 14 again on the same year? Or because i started this event this year i won't get the chance to finish them twice next year?
by (5,796 points)
Somewhat related question (but you want to know if you can start from where you stopped the quest log of when doing by the first time): https://www.tibiaqa.com/11294/didnt-complete-dishes-from-cuisine-able-make-them-next-event-other-dishes

1 Answer

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by (46 points)
As long as you don't complete the full 2x dishes (only do a few of them) you can do 2x completes the following year. I'm not absolutely sure if there is a restriction on this but I suppose that if you do, for example, the first and second generation foods and start doing the first generation ones again and don't finish, the general contactor will move to the second phase and as soon as it completes it once again you will have won the achievements and you will not be able to do the foods 2x in a row.