+4 votes
by (4,311 points)
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Hello friends!

How to get all the ingredients to make all the dishes for Hot Cuisine  quest? Which items can I buy from NPC's, which drop from monsters and which must I make or collect?

If possible organize a table  like the example below:

ItemItem SpriteBuy from NPC/City/PriceDrop from How to make/createWhere to find
Bulb of Garlic Bulb of Garlic.gifJezzara/Ankrahmun/3gp
Sandcrawler ShellSandcrawler Shell.gifSandcrawler
  •  Zap Stepp
  • Darashia_Desert
  • Ankrahmun_Desert

by (2,564 points)
That list would be super helpful!
by (4,311 points)
I really would like to know why 2 members downvote this question.

2 Answers

+9 votes
by (17,406 points)
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Best answer

I made a list of where to get all the items needed for Hot Cuisine. Please note I wanted to include everything, however, there's not enough room to do so. I mostly included preferred methods, most cheaper locations to purchase and some creatures I think drop the item more than others. Please note there's not enough room to add daily respawns or images of items I'm so sorry I had to delete what I already had to make this chart fit on the page.


Item needed for 1 set of dishes and how to obtain (double this list if you need to make 2 sets of dishes)


16 Vial of Water 8 gp each from Sandra

10 Brown Mushroom 10 gp each from Luna

20 White Mushroom for 6 gp each from Luna

10 Red Mushroom for 12 gp each from Luna

1 Fern for 24 gp from Luna

1 Stone Herb for 28 gp from Luna

1 Star Herb  21 gp from Luna

2 Orange 5 gp each from Bonifacius


1 Juice Squeezer 100 gp from Livielle (Won't disappear when used)

30 Potato 4 gp each from Livielle

22 Mango 10 gp each from Livielle

3 Lemon 3 gp each from Livielle

5 Plum 3 gp each from Rodney

Hydra Tongue for 100 gp each from Rose by saying hydra tongue*


3 Vial of Milk 4 gp each from Dane (empty out 3 vials of water and use bottle on the vial to move it into a vial. (If you want to make your own Gingerbreadmen please get 15 more bottles of milk no need to get extra vials)

5 Brown Bread 3 gp each from Imalas

27 Carrot 2 gp each from Imalas

2 Banana 2 gp each from Imalas

3 Cheese 5 gp each from Imalas

10 Cookie 2 gp each from Imalas

48 Egg 2 gp each from Imalas

2 Roll  2 gp each from Imalas

1 Pumpkin 10 gp from Imalas

2 Meat  3 gp each from Lector

1 Ham for 6 gp from Lector


1 Bottle of Bug Milk 200 gp from Brasith

Port Hope and also Schrödinger's Island

(Level 999 island)

7 vials of Coconut Milk 10 gp each from  Relaxed Bartender in level 999 Island. If your not level 999+ alternatively you can go to Port Hope kill Sibangs and loot 7 coconuts. Make sure you empty out 7 vials of water in your backpack, then use a juice squeezer on each coconut and you will make coconut milk.

4 Tomato for 3 gp each from Clyde


15 Flour for 30 gp each from Larek alternatively, you can get flour by using a scythe to cut wheat from a wheat field then grind the wheat in a Mill. I like to the right of Thais, southern Edron, or upper  Kazordoon for this personally so I don't recommend Rathleon. (If you want to make your own Gingerbread men please get 15 more flour)


10 Rice Ball can be exchanged if you hand in Bunches of Ripe Rice (dropped by Lizard Dragon Priests, Legionnaires, High Guards, or Killer Caimans) to Swolt. To be able to make rice balls you need to have handed 4 tomes of Knowledge to Cael first during the Tomes of Knowledge Quest.


1 Vial of Mead (Buy 1 mead in a mug 5 gp from Dankwart empty out 1 vial of water, replace it with mead to make 1 vial of mead)


2 Bulb of Garlic 3 gp each from Jezzara

3 Onion 2 gp each from Jezzara

18 Jalapeno Pepper for 2 gp each from Jezzara

Can't be bought from any NPC, but can be bought on the market or possibly other ways to obtain. 

10 Honeycomb can be looted by killing Wasps, Werebears, Bears, Shadowpelt, Willi Wasp, and Grynch Clan Goblins (Christmas Event)

2 Peanut can be looted by killing Squirrels, Mutated Humans and Grynch Clan Goblins (Christmas event).

1 Rainbow Trout can be looted by what I recommend: Massive Water Elementals, Water Elementals,  Chakoya Toolshapers, Tribewardens, and Windcallers. Obtainable in the Chakoya Camp Quest and the Fishing Box Quest and ice fishing (you'll need worms, a fishing rod, and a pick) and head off to Svargrond!

1 Northern Pike can be looted by what I recommend: Chakoya Toolshapers, Tribewardens, and Windcallers. Also obtainable by Ice Fishing which is also a good way to loot this item.

1 Green Perch can be looted by what I recommend: Massive Water Elementals, Water Elementals,  Chakoya Toolshapers, Tribewardens, and Windcallers. 3 are obtainable in the Fishing Box Quest Also can be obtained by Ice Fishing.

15 Gingerbreadman can be looted from Grynch Clan Goblins or a possible reward from Santa (Christmas Event). You can also make them yourself by trading 10 Christmas Tokens with Ruprecht in exchange for the Christmas Recipe. With this Recipe, you can make Gingerbread men forever. I recommend making your own by using a scythe to cut down wheat from a wheat field, use the wheat on a mill, then add milk with a bucket to make a lump of cake dough and bake the lump of cake dough on an oven in the Christmas Bakery in Vega. Please note this recipe won't be able to be used elsewhere.

3 Bar of Chocolate, reward from Barbarian Arena Quest. Dropped by: Nightmare Scion, Piñata Dragon (Tibia's Anniversary) Possible reward from Surprise Nest (Spring into Life event), Blue and Red Surprise Bags (Skinning Mutated Pumpkin during Halloween event, Tibia's Anniversary, Barbarian Arena quest, or Surprise Nests), Suspicious Surprise Bags (Undead Jester Raid during April Fools)

1 Concentrated Demonic Blood is only lootable. I recommend looting it from Nightmares, Diabolic Imps, Fury, Dark Torturers, Grim Reapers, or Asuras. You can also loot it from Betrayed Wraiths, Floating Savants, Grimeleeches, Hellflayers, Juggernauts, Hellgounds, Hand of Cursed Fate, Falcon Knight and some bosses.

3 Candy, reward from the Barbarian Quest. Dropped by: Piñata Dragon (during Tibia's Anniversary) Possible reward from Skinning Mutated Pumpkin (Halloween event), Surprise Nest (Spring into Life event), Blue Surprise Bags (Skinning Mutated Pumpkin during Halloween event, Tibia's Anniversary, Barbarian Arena quest, or Surprise Nests)

2 Troll Green, dropped by the monsters: Swamp Troll, Werefox, Werebadger, Werewolf. Also dropped by bosses: Black Vixen, Hemming, Darkfang, Sharpclaw. I recommend Werecaves in Edron possibly the bosses if you access to it. If not just kill the Swamp Trolls.

1 Sling Herb, you can find a daily respawn of this on Donald McRonald's farm in Thais, Greenshore, and Greenclaw Swamp. I recommend looting this item from Priestess or Elf Arcanist. You can also loot this item from Boogy, Crazed Beggar, Carniphila, Spit Nettle and the bosses Dharalion and Ferfang.

1 Shadow Herb, daily respawns are in the bear cave in Thais. I recommend looting from Phantasms, Spit Nettles, or Ghosts. You can also loot it from Nightstalkers, Tarnished Spirits, Carniphilias and Deathbine.

15 Shrimp, you can loot this from what I recommend Quaras and Calamary.

5 Sandcrawler Shell can be looted just from Sandcrawlers I prefer the Farmine spawn.

3 Candy Cane can be looted from Grynch Clan Goblins (Christmas Event). Possible reward from Santa (Santa Event) or by skinning The Mutated Pumpkin (Halloween event).

1 Powder Herb can be looted by killing Mad Scientists, Priestess, or Swan Maidens.

1 Cream Cake can be looted from Mad Scientists or Grynch Clan Goblins (Christmas Event). Possible reward from Blue and Red Surprise Bags (Skinning Mutated Pumpkin during Halloween event, Tibia's Anniversary, Barbarian Arena quest, or Surprise Nests), Suspicious Surprise Bags (Undead Jester Raid during April Fools)

*Collect all of the other items before this part and also make sure you have enough caps to carry the dead chicken and bat. Use a time ring, haste, boots of haste if you’re a lower level to ensure you're able to complete the dishes on time. Otherwise, get a friend to help you bring a dead bat or chicken. You cannot summon these creatures to kill them anymore and use them for the dishes.

You can get a fresh bat and chicken from edron or meriana!

1 Fresh Dead Chicken

1 Fresh Dead Bat


2 Beetroot for 2 gp each from Donald McRonald

2 Corncob for 3 gp each from Donald McRonald

3 Cucumber  for 3 gp each from Donald McRonald

1 Blessed Wooden Stake which is obtainable in The Blessed Stake Quest. You buy a Wooden Stake 5000 gp from Gamon but to bless it you need to have done the quest.

In Frodo's Hut there's 2 casks where you can get:

1 Vial of Wine (Empty out 1 vials of water and fill it with wine)

2 Vial of Beer (Empty out 2 vials of water and fill it with beer)

Source: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Hot_Cuisine_Quest#Reward_2

by (4,311 points)
I liked the way you separated by city, it make easy to buy the things.
by (17,406 points)
thank you its very nice of you to say, :) took me hours sadly LOL
+1 vote
by (4,311 points)
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ItemItem SpriteBuy from NPC/City/PriceDrop from How/Where to make/obtain
  • Bonifacius/Edron/2gp
  • Brasith/Ab'Dendriel/2gp
  • Hairycles/Port Hope/2gp
  • Imalas/Carlin/2gp
Bar of ChocloateBar of Chocolate
  • Cemetery Quarter
  • Alchemist Quarter
  • Arena/ Zoo Quarter
  • Vengoth Castle
  • Formogar Mines
Dead BatDead Bat
  • Arito/Ankrahmun/2gp
  • Bolfona/Yalahar/2gp
  • Boozer/Venore/2gp
  • Clyde/Port Hope/2gp
  • Jimbin/Kazordoon/2gp
  • Maria/Venore/2gp
  • Mirabell/Edron/2gp
  • Swolt/Farmine/2gp
  • Urkalio/Venore/2gp
  • Donal McRonald/Thais/2
Bottle of Bug MilkBottle of Bug Milk
  • Brasith/Ab'Dendriel/200gp
Blessed Wooden StakeBlessed Wooden Stake
Brown BreadBrown Bread (Old)
  • Imalas/Carlin/3gp
  • Maryza/Kazordoon/3gp
Brown MushroomBrown Mushroom
  • Luna/Edron/10gp
Candy CaneCandy Cane
  • Anywere during the Christmas
Carrot Carrot
  • Imalas/Carlin/2gp
  • Tanaro/Meluna/4gp
Dead ChickenDead Chicken
  • North port
Coconut MilkCoconut Milk
Concentraded Demonic BloodConcentrated Demonic Blood
  1. Get the milk into a trough or bucket.
  2. Use flour with milk. You will get Lump of Cake Dough.
  3. Use the Lump of Cake Dough on the Baking Tray. You will get a Baking Tray with cookie dough on it.
  4. Use the baking tray with an oven. You will get 12 Cookies.

by (4,311 points)
I'll updating this answer until it be complete, don't worry guys rsrs
by (5,051 points)
gogo my best wishes, I gave it up xD