0 votes
by (1,212 points)
In my questlog I can see I have 9/11, but i forgot to mark which ones i have.

Is there a different Message when you try to fish for a bottle you have already discovered?
by (781 points)
I’m placing this as a comment as someone else gave the best answer (in my opinion). When you check the bottle daily, if your fishing skill does not go up while attempting to fish the bottle it means you have the bottle. If your fishing skill rises then you do not have the bottle. I would recommend aside from writing them down as you check, also marking the completed ones on your map so that you know.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (464 points)
To be honest the only way to confirm what "messages in bottles" u have is using external tools like "notepad" or just a notebook and write it manually.

I would be so pleased if cipsoft add some information in QuestLog, cause many times u have half quest done and u dont know where to continue and stuff like this.

Im sorry for this answer but its the only way.

Gretings Gleemody