+3 votes
by (1,201 points)
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Quick Lore to understand this question: Ysbasra send us to Ingol to rescue her lost brother. We completed some task with Ingol NPC's who are Doctor Marrow helpers. At the end we discovered Ysbasra lied to us (There is no brother) and she stole marrow's investigation for her "secret" organization. 

But then who is this person? In this location we can find a corpse with a letter inside. 

That letter basically says that he was a Doctor marrow's assistant but he wanted to escape to tell the world what the Doctor has been doing. 

Who is this person? How did he/she died? Is this a mystery or just a "fun" part of the lore? 

Another curious thing about this place is this pair of pirate boots that can't be moved and sometimes (Don't know how) here spawns a Terror Sleep. 

by (5,318 points)
Exciting! There is also another little mystery hidden in Ingol ;-) <no spoilers though>
by (1,201 points)
o: Where? Deeper ingol? surface?
by (5,318 points)
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<spoiler alert> Surface- before House entrance you got pig & chicken farm... between them you got poles looking same as those in question - https://www.tibiaqa.com/31340/who-is-or-was-iberon?show=31340#q31340 ; and pretty much sure in the past when you clicked on it it had inscription which later was removed (?).
Also I do recommend for you to read Meadek answer in https://www.tibiaqa.com/31873/whats-the-lore-behind-of-doctor-marrow?show=31892#a31892 as gives lots of insight on your question about Pirate's- Roshamuul - Shiron'fal connection  and he mention about boots. ;-)

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