+2 votes
by (17,406 points)

According to TibiaWiki - latest?cb=20060501013636&path-prefix=en&format=originalThe silver mace has been rumored that some players in Premia, Secura and Antica have found this item through a quest in earlier days, but this has not been possible to confirm. Is there any record or history of a quest regarding this item? I know now it's obtainable through loot of Countess Sorrow.

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (594 points)

I haven't managed to find any informations about said quest.

You need to remember that fansites are not considered an official source of information - that's TibiaQA's policy.

Without any evidence or proof about existence of a quest I'm sure that there is and was none.

by (47 points)
I don't think there is a way to confirm it unless you manage to track down Mulf and ask him! (first person to have a silver mace) ;>
by (594 points)
You can ask him of course, but then again, with no evidence (like video) there is nothing to believe in.
+1 vote
by (16 points)

I have been researching the last few weeks about the mysteries of the jakundaf desert and I came across reports on a forum of a Brazilian fansite in 2006.


they were discussing the mysteries of the desert, until a guy appeared who mentioned using two characters Sonic sama and Low Soul he introduces himself as Bruno (yes we have the same name, but make no mistake, we are not the same person) in the forum he uses the nickname: C*L .

This player got caught in the middle of other forum members' discussions which at the time were mostly where most people who have already explored this place stopped or are stopped. What to do after getting the 6 desert keys and reading all the books in the library there...?

And then he appears and says that he has been playing Tibia since 1997 and that he had already completed these mysteries and that in the end the quest reward would be a Silver Mace and a Blue Tome.

As the forum progressed everyone was massively full of questions about spoilers for him. but he didn't give any concrete spoilers, he just said some tips and some guidelines that after reading it many times I see that there is no order of what to do and how to do it, and some of them are somewhat controversial, but he claims to have done it the quest and was the only one who gave more information about it..

There is also an old screenshot of the old player of antica mulf with a silver mace still with the old sprite of the item and they say it is a ss taken after the quest.. 

One Brazilian youtuber made some videos talking about the mysteries of the desert and then saying that he got the item, but after being suffocated he said that he only got the item but did not say how he got it

(probably he bought the item on the market just to make clickbaites and gain views on his channel that explores mysteries that have been explored for years and doesn't take any steps forward...)

And another player Pax Animi took a screenshot inside the desert banshee room with a silver mace, but it was also revealed that it was a fake ss.

What remains is to look for this old information about the quest in the forums that are still online to be able to explore...

what i would say i know so far is just the speculation that according to the rumors in the forum the quest has several tasks but i'm still trying to gather more information..

one of the tasks is to make donations to a certain amount of npc to gain people's trust

another one that supposedly after having gained this trust is to take two specific items in the bp and talk to the blacksmith npc of Greenshore, presumably he will give a tool that would be able to enter the desert banshee room

another task is to harvest the specified items in the books found in the desert to make certain potions to help certain npcs

(in the same way we do with the npc Nemal to get Key 4037 that opens the door to the library)

a presumably npc that must be helped with the potion is the fisherman Hoggle who stays in a house in the northeast of Thais. he is probably mad or bewitched and needs one of the potions mentioned in the books..

there is also something related to the Gharonk language that Nemal's father would know how to speak. there are controversies here when the player who made the quest says that this language would only be necessary to understand about the potions and another time he says it is necessary to talk to the npc blacksmith of greenshore.

basically this is the information I have so far, I'm still trying to create an execution order for each task to try to advance in this supposed search.

honestly I don't believe everything I read about it, because what was said is that the final room of the silver mace quest is after where there are some dragons trapped behind some mw and some bars in the Spike Sword Quest room. A lot of it makes sense, but others are weird and iffy. We already know that in the desert very close to the library entrance there is a lever that when pulled raises the bars in that Spike Sword Quest room, but there is one more lever that is inaccessible in this room and also the mw in addition this entrance would need a bridge to be accessed.

however, analyzing the old hacked files of the game, there is nothing in this room and not even something next there, which makes me intrigued since the player who says he has finished the quest said something saying that after passing the dragons we should face warlocks and it would be difficult. .

I'm still trying to understand all this information that was played in a very poorly explained way in a 2006 forum to be able to apply it to the game and be able to draw some conclusions about it.

If anyone else has information about this quest, please get in touch so we can discuss this mystery.
