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There are charms for atack, sustain, loot but not for defese. Is there any plans for creating them? Is there any official response to this?
by (17,406 points)
Question could be considered opinion based so I edited to add if there is any official response as this wouldn't generate opinion based answers but rather an official response. Thank you

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (464 points)
Hello Shawtay,

For the moment they didnt say anything about adding new charms, im 14k points charms on my Main RP, i have all damage runes and some utility runes and i still having 4k free (im still waiting for them to add something usefull).  

I hope in the future they add some other charms to the game.

Anyway, elemental charms + Low blow are extremly goods in high respawns. That means that probably if they add any "defensive charm" to game, people will still using elementals charms.

5% of max hp of the monster, make insane diference in late game hunts.

I hope i helped u, and they add something in future!
Gretings, Gleemody