+4 votes
by (7,048 points)
What happens to a fansite if the admin gets ban or deleted?
By eg, for using ''bot or marcro''

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (167 points)
The communication between the fansites administrator (all) and the administrator (fansie owner)is by email, not on game or with the character, so you are only notified   the change of your character
by (6,736 points)
True, but if the deletion is due to breaking the Tibia Rules (what happens when you use bot or macro) I guess there could be further consequences. Surely such situations would be explained and dealt with on an individual basis. And the only answer based on the facts is that if fansite admins knowingly refuse to act in accordance with Tibia Rules, they leave the fansite programme (as happened with Cateroide, or ExevoPan).
+2 votes
by (7,048 points)
Best answer


thank you for your request.

There are no clear guidelines for such cases, which are thankfully very rare. We would look at the circumstances and decide on a case-to-case basis, so I cannot answer your question in as much detail as you would probably like. The one thing I can guarantee, however, is that there would not be any VIP treatment for fansite administrators; if we found one or more of them to be guilty of rule violations, they would be punished just like anybody else, and that definitely includes account deletions for using unofficial software.

Kind regards,


Tibia Customer Support
