+2 votes
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I just used by accident spectral saddle in my backpack, but I don't have the other items yet. Will I need to get another saddle when I collect the other items needed for the mount?

It might sound like a stupid question, although I'm not sure about it and obviously I'm a little worried about it.

Thanks a lot for your answers!
by (17,425 points)
No question is stupid I'm actually now wondering the same thing - thanks for your question.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (7,048 points)

No, you don't need get another Spectral Saddle you can use every single item (Spectral Horseshoe, Spectral Horse Tack and Spectral Saddle) for the mount Phantasmal Jade in differents days/times without any problem. People just wait to use all at the same time because looks good.
