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by (1,557 points)
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We believe the Spectral Horseshoe Spectral Horseshoe.gif is necessary for the Spectral Horse mount, so I'd like to know how can I get it? It's a boss drop?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (17,406 points)

According to TibiaWiki Br, the Spectral Horseshoe is a boss drop from Goshnar's Malice.

This item is needed to tame the Phantasmal Jade mount. "Use 4 Spectral Horseshoes, a Spectral Horse Tack, and a Spectral Saddle after completing the Soul War Quest."

The other items can be dropped by the other bosses. For example, the Spectral Saddle is a boss drop from Goshnar's Cruelty and The Spectral Horse Tack is a boss drop from Goshnar's Hatred.

–1 vote
by (198 points)
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EDIT:This answer is about the item "Horseshoe" and not "Spectral Horseshoe" for the latter the method is not yet known, however it is speculated that the item is a drop from new soul war bosses quest

It is a very rare drop from the boss called "The Pertch Queen" from the Winterlight Solstice event, that event happens once a year close to Christmas eve.

Event starts at Dec 11 and ends at Jan 10 in Svargrond.
by (6,736 points)
I suggest to read the question once again.
by (332 points)
You mean the "normal" Horseshoe, he means the "Spectral Horseshoe", it was Pepiny mistake on not using the correct name of the item, yet he placed the correct image.

Short history: this answer is not correct to what was asked.
by (198 points)
I apologize for the misunderstanding, i have edited my original post to clear it up