0 votes
by (1,557 points)

In ordem to discover how to tame the Spectral Horse, we believe spectral saddle Spectral Saddle.gif is one of the items needed for it, so how can I get it?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (17,406 points)
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According to Tibia Fandom, the Spectral Saddle is a boss drop from Goshnar's Cruelty

This item is needed to tame the Phantasmal Jade mount. "Use 4 Spectral Horseshoes, a Spectral Horse Tack and a Spectral Saddle after completing the Soul War Quest."

The other mount items are drops from other bosses. The Spectral Horseshoe is a boss drop from Goshnar's Malice. The Spectral Horse Tack is a boss drop from Goshnar's Hatred.

–1 vote
by (332 points)
So far it's known the Saddle is 1 out of 3 parts needed to build the taming item but how to get them, still a mystery.