+1 vote
by (1,534 points)
Let's assume that I do daily GT and I can afford two decent crossbow imbued with powerful, one with critical and the other one with death damage, will the death damage one outperfom notoriously the damage done with a critical imbuement?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (126 points)
Well, if you can afford it, do it.

the damage calculator will change a bit, 10-20% more damage as usual.

This will help your team to waste less.

but RP actually get a lot of profit from GT so is irrelevant, unless you are the main damage on your party.
by (1,534 points)
well, I like to go with whatever appear first, sometimes that's a knight and knights make us take too much in this boss, a 20% extra damage were okay, but are you sure?

And yes this question aim to help the party to do it quicker than right now.
+1 vote
by (60 points)
As you mentioned if you can afford it (Dont care a little more waste), go ahead and do it (Is a small help for the whole team), but in general with the regular team of levels 300/350+ and regular imbuements you don't need take any more cautions.
by (1,534 points)
sorry guys and thanks for the answer but I'm looking for an answer that could proof that the death imbuement will outperform critical damage and by how much it will raise the damage, it's just that i tried to make the question the most simple possible but that's the idea, do you guys have any proof that it will outperform notoriously the critical damage?