+2 votes
by (4,384 points)
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So, I was looking for more information on the Mini-World Change "Bank Robbery" and found this: "tibiaqa.:how-often-is-the-mini-world-change-bank-robbery-active?" which says the event is random, and proves it by showing a chart and how this event can be triggered after different amount of times.

While I get it that it is not a timed respawn, like bosses, otherwise it would favor some specific days, example: 1x every 14-19 days. But perhaps there is some mechanic behind it that not many people are aware off, making it seem like a random event.

The Sigh of Surrender area is "similar" to this, no one knew exactly how to open it, seemed a bit random, but in the end they found out exactly what the mechanic behind it was.

My question is: is it confirmed that the Bank Robbery IS completely random and have no hidden mechanic behind it?

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (781 points)
No, the world change is completely random and can even happen just before server save which is why it can often go missed.
by (4,162 points)
Yes, I agree with this answer.
–1 vote
by (126 points)
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No, There is no way you can active this mini event game world, its random.

you can  check if the event is ctive on two ways

1.you can check on Game World Board

 Several banks in major coastal towns are being robbed! The thieves are still on the loose!


2.With Thais towncryer

Hear ye! Hear ye! Stand and deliver! That's what they shout, robbing banks in main's coastal towns and then hide out. Catch the thieves and make us proud, bring back the gold to please the crowd!

by (1,558 points)
That's incorrect as you can find the information in the Adventure's Guild board as well.
by (2,208 points)
He also doesn't yell I think.
by (5,796 points)
agreed. Information above is technically imprecise.