+4 votes
by (6,736 points)
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I would like to get some new achievements related to the mini world change "Bank Robbery". Do you know how often this mwc appears? Is it random or, for example, takes place after some time (like bosses)?
by (746 points)
I would like to know why I receive a downvote, because this way I can improve my answers in the future. Thank you.
by (2,564 points)
Hi Faelar. Each random event has a certain chance of occurrence. Saying that it's random is technically correct, but it's very generic. A great answer could provide a chance based on research, testing, or stats. Check out a similar question here: https://www.tibiaqa.com/13562/how-often-does-the-lumberjack-mini-world-change-happen
by (746 points)
Thank you for explanation. I will improve in the future.

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (2,426 points)
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Best answer

There is no specific cooldown for this mini world change to be activated. This has been shown by this TibiaWiki's research article. If you check the plot for e.g. Elvira Hammerthrust, you'll see that it can spawn two days in a row or take many days to spawn again. The same is valid for the combined data of all 4 "bosses". 
