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by (82 points)
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I would like to know if the wheel of destiny was modified recently and what where the changes made to the sorcerer's ?
by (5,796 points)
"recently" makes the question very short term. I tried to edit in order to make it useful for the long term.

1 Answer

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by (61 points)
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Yes, the last change was on Dec,13 2022.

Sorcerer-specific changes

·         Beam Mastery: The damage bonus of this spell has been further increased from 8%, 10%, or 12% to 10%, 12%, or 14% per target.

·         Focus Mastery: Damage of your next damaging spell within 12 seconds after casting a focus spell* is now increased by 35% instead of 25%. *Hell's Core or Rage of the Skies.

Have a look at tibia.com

