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by (5,070 points)
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On low levels it may be difficult to make money. Is there a way to money making with lower levels?

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4 Answers

+4 votes
by (5,070 points)
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Best answer


Nomad Cave (Ankrahmun) Arito's Task- Access8+Kill with spears, loot ROPE BELTS and other creature products.Expect 20-30 rope belts/h 50k-80k gold per hour
Amazon Camp (Venore)8+Kill with spears, loot the Valkyries’ spears too. Loot PROTECTIVE CHARMS, and other creature products.Expect 25-35 protective charms/h 50k-80k gold per hour
Elves (Yalahar)30+Kill with Royal Spears. Loot ELVISH TALISMANS, ELVEN SCOUTING GLASSES, HOLY ORCHIDS. Skills 60+ recommended.Profit depends on luck (holy orchids) and prices. 30k-120k gold per hour
Pirates (Yalahar)40+Kill with Royal/Enchanted Spears. Loot everything (specially PEG LEG, HOOK, EYE PATCHES). Task if you can. Skills 70+ recommendedProfit depends on prices 20k-40k gold per hour
Dryad Gardens (Cormaya)50+Kill with Royal Spears/Elvish Bow + Onyx Arrows. Loot ELVEN HOOFS Skills 70+ recommended.Expect 20-40 elven hoofs/h. 60k-100k gold per hour
Mutated Tigers (Yalahar-Alchemist/Arena Quarters)50+Kill with Royal Spears/Enchanted Spears.Loot SABRETOOTH, and rares.Skills 75+ recommended.Expect 40+ sabreteeth/h plus rares 100k-150k gold per hour TASK THEM
Mutated Tigers (Muggy Plains) (requires access)70+Kill with Royal Spears/Enchanted Spears Loot SABRETOOTH, and rares. Skills 75+ recommendedExpect 60+ sabreteeth/h plus rares 150k-200k gold per hour You fight a lot of lizards to get there, or use Thais’ Fire Portal
Putrid Mummies below Dark Pyramid (Darashia)100+Kill with Warsinger Bow + Crystalline Arrows.Loot LITTLE BOWL OF MYRRH Skills 95+ recommended Imbue 1x T2 Crit + T2 VoidExpect 25-35 Little Bowl of Myrrh/h 100k-120k gold per hour Don’t let them touch you


Nomad Cave (Ankrahmun) Arito's Task- Access8+Kill with weapon, 1 at a time, don’t get hit by 3+, or use pots. Skills 50 recommended.Expect 15-25 rope belts/h 30k-60k gold per hour
Amazon Camp (Venore)8+Kill with weapon, try to lure the amazons, hit Valkyries first, prepare to use some pots. Skills 50 recommended.Expect 20-30 protective charms/h 30k-50k gold per hour
Elves (Yalahar)30+Kill with weapon, exori/exori hur/mas/ico. Loot ELVISH TALISMANS, ELVEN SCOUTING GLASSES, HOLY ORCHIDS. Use mps + exura icoSkills 70+ recommended.Profit depends on luck (holy orchids) and prices. 20k-90k gold per hour
Blood Crabs + Tortoise Combo (Laguna Islands) (requires access)35+Kill 1 by 1, or exori and exori mas groups. Loot TURTLE SHELLS and BLOODY PINCERS. Skills 65+ required, 75+ recommended.Profit depends on luck (turtle shells), and skills. 50k-150k gold per hour It is also decent exp for the level if you pg with exori spells. 200k/h < lvl 50 on bonus. TASK THORNBACK TORTOISES
Pirates (Yalahar)50+Lure 3, exori, exori mas, heal with mp + exura ico and shp for emergencies. Good to PG too. Skills 75+ recommended.Profit depends on prices 10k-30k gold per hour Also decent exp if you pg with exori spells. 250k/h on bonus.TASK THEM
Mutated Tigers (Yalahar-Alchemist/Arena Quarters)50+Kill with 2h weapon (or 1h and shield), loot their SHP to heal, use exori hur + exori ico to kill. Skills 75+ recommended.Expect 25+ sabreteeth/h plus rares 80k-100k gold per hour. TASK THEM
Mutated Tigers (Muggy Plains) (requires access)70+Same as above, skills 80+ recommended, exori/exori min the packs.Expect 50+ sabreteeth/h plus rares 100k-120k gold per hour. You fight a lot of lizards to get there, or use Thais’ Fire Portal
Vampire Crypt (Edron)100+Imbues: T2 Vampirism + Void Bring 5-6 Garlic Necklaces, and Skill Rings per hunt. Lure 4-5 - Utito, Exori Gran, Exori Min, Exori, Exori Mas Heal with mana + exura ico (bring 600 manas) GHP on emergencies (bring around 50-60) Skills 90+ recommendedExpect 50+ vampire teeth/h, plus a lot of rares. Profit depends on prices. 100k-180k gold per hour. You will also get 600-900k exp/H (on bonus stamina), so good to hunt here too. GARLICK NECKLACES ARE A MUST.


Nomad Cave (Ankrahmun) Arito's Task- Access8+Wand/Rod + exori infir. You can self-imbue void with the rope belts you get, so think about it. BRING FOOD.Expect 15-25 rope belts/h 30k-60k gold per hour
Amazon Camp (Venore)8+Same as above.Expect 20-30 protective charms/h 30k-50k gold per hour
Swamp Trolls (Venore)8+Wand/Rod Loot MEDICINE POUCHESExpect 4-5 of those per hour. 10k-20k gold per hour
Blood Crabs + Tortoise Combo (Laguna Islands) (requires access)30+Fire Wand/Death Rod. Great Fireballs are the way. Just go to the lowest floors (bring shovel and rope), and GFB groups. Loot TURTLE SHELLS and BLOODY PINCERS. Ml 30+ recommended.Expect around 5-10 turtle shells/hour, and 10-15 bloody pincers/hour. Profit really can get high if the prices are good. 80-200k gold per hour/hour and a half. Also good exp < lvl 50. TASK THORNBACK TORTOISES.
Banuta Apes (Port Hope)30+Ice Rod/Death Wand. Bring lots of avalanche runes, and Avalanche Lower Floors + Surface. Always try to kill 4-5 at a time. Loot APE FURS, BANANA STAVES, creature products. Ml 30+ recommended.Expect 5-15 ape furs per TASK (300 apes). Don’t expect many banana staves. Profit will be 50k-100k/h depending on Ape Fur price. TASK THEM 3 TIMES
Pirates (Yalahar)50+Avalanche with good ml (50+) can be profitable. If you task 3k pirates, you’ll get the Boss’ item and profit that much.Profit depends on luck, magic level, and how many you can lure. Around 10k-40k gold per hour, and you really profit on the boss tbh.TASK THEM
Mutated Tigers (Yalahar-Alchemist/Arena Quarters)50+Death Wand/Rod, exori mort/exori moe ico. TASK THEM Ml 50+ recommended.Expect 25+ sabreteeth/h plus rares 80k-100k gold per hour. TASK THEM
Ancient Scarabs (Mother Lair)60+ML 60+ recommended. Tera Set + BoH. Heal with exura every turn. GFB the shit out of them. Loot rares, gems and gold. TASK THEM - You will profit from the boss.Expect around 5k profit/h if your ml is over 65+, plus the Boss’ loot. 600-700k exp/h on BONUS, so great exp to pg. -EXPECT TO DIE-TASK THEM
Cults (Yalahar Magician Quarter) (Liberty Bay Cave Behind Piano - Requires to learn 4 verses of the Hymn)60+ML 55+ recommended. Bring Garlic Necklaces, a lot of thunderstorms, and energy spells to kill them. Loot ROPE BELTS, BROKEN KEY RINGS, RARES.Expect around 50 rope belts/h in Yalahar, and 60 rope belts/h in Liberty Bay. Profit goes from 50k to 150k/h also depending on rares and other creature products.
Mutated Tigers (Muggy Plains) (requires access)70+Death Wand/Rod, Exori Mort/Moe ico. Use Flam/Frigo on the Bats. ML 50+Expect 50+ sabreteeth/h plus rares 100k-120k gold per hour. You fight a lot of lizards to get there, or use Thais’ Fire Portal
Souleater Mountains (Zao)(Requires access)100+ML 60+ recommended. Bring physical protection set, and a lot of gfbs. T2 Void Imbue recommended. Loot rares, and plats. (don’t loot gold). Also loot sabreteeth from Mutated Tigers.Expect between 30k and 100k gold per hour. 800k-1kk exp/h with good ml once you know how to hunt here. Great place for pg.
Glooth Bandits (Oramond)(Requires Access)130+ML 70+ recommended. Bring physical protection set. A lot of gfbs. Loot basically every glooth item and sell it to Flint in Rathlethon.Expect over 200k gold per hour. IT IS HARD ON LOWER LEVELS 1.2-1.6kk exp/h with good ml. Great for PG and amazing profit for mages.

As a free account, you can't post offers on market, so I suggest using Advertising to sell your loot, rather than sell for the cheap buy offers people put sometimes.

Place to HuntLevelSkills and How To KillProfit per Hour
Amazon Camp (Venore)8+40/40. Weapon/Spears + shield. Loot the Protective Charms.10-20 protective charms/hour. 15-25k/h
Swamp Trolls (Venore)8+30/30. Just kill them. Loot MEDICINE POUCHES5-10 pouches /hour. 15k-25k/h
Forrest Fury (Carlin)40+60/60. Kill them, use pots. Careful with their shielding/distance reducing skill.Elven Hoofs, 5-15 per hour, meaning 20k-50k/h
Tainted Caves/Gloomy Poacher Caves (Kazordoon)40+65/65. Kill the Gloom Wolves with stealth rings.Gloom Wolf Fur, 5-10 per hour. 25k-50k/h, but it depends on server. Gloomy poacher caves aren't always active.
Corym Mines - Stonerefiners (Venore)40+70/60 skills. Use a stealth ring and kill the Stonerefiners for a lot of plat coins, and some creature products.Profit will be around 200-300 plats per hour (20k-30k) plus the creature products, minus stealth rings.
Orc Fortress (Venore)60+80/80 skills recommended. Don't go hunt warlords. Bring stealth rings for emergencies and many pots. Loot the Broken Shamanic Staves, and if you're lucky, Old and Used Backpack for Dwarven Armor quest. If you have postman, make a loot bag with Halberds.With postman + loot bag: 40k-80k/h. No postman nor loot bag: 20k-50k/h.
by (5,796 points)
amazing guide!
by (10 points)
Cant belive none has mentioned hunting mammoths and collecting thick fur..
gives a decent amount of gold and drops fairly often
by (564 points)
@Wyrian: Yeah, it's a great spot to fill the blank between trolls and crabs for mages!

I'd add that FACC can hunt the Orc Fortress way earlier, around level 30+. You just have to buy a hundred of stealth rings for a good price and wear them constantly. You'll have to care only about the Leaders. Also, it is not worth making a loot bag if it slows down your pace of killing Shamans. As for the best spot, I'd recommend the eastern wall of the castle with the hill (-1, 0, and +1).  On -1 you should avoid the Warlords.
+2 votes
by (40 points)
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My recent hunts: (real examples with real numbers)

Who130 EK130 EK20 ED20 ED30 ED30 ED30 ED70 RP
WhereMutated Tigers YalaMutated Tigers YalaElves YalaElves YalaElves YalaSwampling VenoreGloom wolfesElves Yala

Below more detiles

130 EK130 EK20 ED20 ED30 ED
Session data: From 2023-05-14, 11:01:47 to 2023-05-14, 12:08:06Session data: From 2023-05-14, 16:48:28 to 2023-05-14, 17:41:26Session data: From 2023-05-15, 16:15:17 to 2023-05-15, 16:46:06Session data: From 2023-05-16, 12:16:24 to 2023-05-16, 12:47:10Session data: From 2023-05-16, 12:55:16 to 2023-05-16, 13:08:32
Session: 01:00hSession: 00:52hSession: 00:30hSession: 00:30hSession: 00:13h
XP Gain: 393,107XP Gain: 267,475XP Gain: 69,252XP Gain: 68,579XP Gain: 30,856
XP/h: 353,768XP/h: 255,759XP/h: 130,701XP/h: 124,669XP/h: 136,335
Loot: 217,492Loot: 158,893Loot: 115,163Loot: 105,661Loot: 75,015
Supplies: 45,606Supplies: 34,790Supplies: 5,640Supplies: 6,238Supplies: 2,968
Balance: 171,886Balance: 124,103Balance: 109,523Balance: 99,423Balance: 72,047
Damage: 309,938Damage: 264,724Damage: 53,443Damage: 54,817Damage: 25,400
Damage/h: 309,938Damage/h: 264,724Damage/h: 53,443Damage/h: 54,817Damage/h: 25,400
Healing: 15,871Healing: 16,838Healing: 2,471Healing: 3,935Healing: 2,028
Healing/h: 15,871Healing/h: 16,838Healing/h: 2,471Healing/h: 3,935Healing/h: 2,028
Killed Monsters:Killed Monsters:Killed Monsters:Killed Monsters:Killed Monsters:
  32x mutated bat  24x mutated bat  99x elf  105x elf  47x elf
  51x mutated rat  23x mutated rat  82x elf arcanist  86x elf arcanist  39x elf arcanist
  206x mutated tiger  189x mutated tiger  154x elf scout  152x elf scout  72x elf scout
  20x undead gladiator  16x undead gladiatorLooted Items:Looted Items:Looted Items:
Looted Items:Looted Items:  1x a strong mana potion  3x a strong mana potion  1x a strong mana potion
  18x a strong health potion  17x a strong health potion  2x a health potion  3x a health potion  2x a health potion
  10465x a gold coin  20x a life ring  1552x a gold coin  791x a gold coin  503x a gold coin
  2x a small amethyst  3x an obsidian lance  1x a life crystal  2x a life crystal  1x a wand of cosmic energy
  23x a life ring  1x a battle shield  2x a wand of cosmic energy  3x a wand of cosmic energy  1x an elven amulet
  1x a protection amulet  1x meat  3x an elven amulet  3x an elven amulet  1x a grave flower
  3x a skull  1x a green mushroom  3x a grave flower  3x a sling herb  1x a sling herb
  1x a two handed sword  1x a stone herb  5x a sling herb  4x a heaven blossom  1x a heaven blossom
  13x a throwing star  2x a star herb  3x a heaven blossom  1x a holy orchid  17x an elvish talisman
  3x a scimitar  3x a bat wing  6x a holy orchid  20x an elvish talisman  6x an elven scouting glass
  4x an obsidian lance  1x an angelic axe  21x an elvish talisman  18x an elven scouting glass  4x an elven astral observer
  1x a plate shield  4x a glorious axe  19x an elven scouting glass  13x an elven astral observer
  2x a battle shield  6x a heavily rusted armor  8x an elven astral observer
  8x meat  1x a broken gladiator shield
  3x a stone herb  1x a mutated bat ear
  2x a star herb  2x a mutated rat tail
  5x a bat wing  55x striped fur
  2x an angelic axe  25x a sabretooth
  5x a glorious axe
  1x a belted cape
  3x a heavily rusted armor
  1x a silky tapestry
  1x a broken gladiator shield
  1x a mutated bat ear
  1x a mutated rat tail
  52x striped fur
  32x a sabretooth
by (5,070 points)
Please try to improve your table hud , to see all the info better.
by (40 points)
Those are from my library, I add some summary but that's all i can think of
0 votes
by (35 points)
One streamer named Strojny has created YouTube series from FACC to PACC.

On his freshly created account he tried every possible creature products spots for low levels.

During this experiment he was a 30 level paladin.

The best results he reached on:

- Forest Fury Carlin - around 200 k/h

- Gloom Wolves Kazo (during world event) - average 500 k/h with peaks up to 850 k/h!

I am pretty sure there is no better spot for profiting for low levels than Gloom Wolves.
0 votes
by (126 points)
I know it depends on what do we consider a low level, but after 200 you can start farming gold tokens.

You can also farm the items that are only gotten once: like the secret service tools, the blossom bag, the trees from the cults of tibia, etc.