+1 vote
by (122 points)

I want to know if is it possible to get Chayenne's Magical Key   on a Green BattlEye Server ?

3 Answers

+3 votes
by (156 points)
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The Chayenne's Magical Key  was a very rare loot from Chayenne's Anniversary Remains during Tibia's 15th Anniversary that happened in August 2012.

The Battleye were implemented in 2017 & The game worlds Honbra, Noctera & Vita were the first ones to be actively shielded by BattlEye, on April 18, 2017.

0 votes
by (101 points)
it's not possible. the item was added before Battleye. That is, it exists only on yellow servers
0 votes
by (1,058 points)
As krizzweeping said, it isn't possible to obtain the chayenne magical key on Green servers.

But maybe you saw a music box on a Server and this made you wonder.

If that's the case, it is possible to obtain a music box as a reward of some tibia fansites. This is, for now, the only way to obtain such an item