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I know antica is the rares marketplace for old servers but I wanna know if theres an equivalent for green servers, specifically an open pvp one.
by (1,534 points)
i would recommend checking for the SA oldest Open PvP (idk which is), such server should have the higher ammount of grinded rares, the downside is that you probably would need to speak spanish/portuguese to actually be understood.
by (181 points)
this is correct too
i generally find the SA servers have much more activity/quantity on the really expensive stuff

1 Answer

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by (181 points)
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there is a place on discord:

if there is a larger GBE community/market, I don't know of it.

edit: this invite link is now invalid as the admins are cracking down on scammers joining the discord
you'll have to find a friend that already has access to the discord and get an invite link off them

by (17,406 points)
hello, he's asking what the best server is though in particlar
by (181 points)
GBE are constantly merging so there isn't really a single server.
I could say:


But its subjective.
I think these few servers I listed have the biggest whales/rare collections, but maybe I am wrong.
They're all equally small in population.

This is why the discord exists, the community is only big enough when grouped together.