+1 vote
by (109 points)
As we know, it is possible to report players for their rule violations. But, how does this system works? Recently I have reported  player for his racist and generally objectionable sentence. In my account I can see that my report has been "processed". The main question is, what does "processed" exactly mean?

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (159 points)
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Sorry to disappoint you, but processed means exactly it: it has been processed by custommer support.

It's not possible, however, to know if the player get an entry or not in his/her rule violation record. If the sentence of this player was in the forum, the post is removed if it breakes Tibia rules, but it does not necessarily mean that the player has received an entry. Furthermore, the severity of the entry depends on the context and Cipsoft's internal guidelines. Cip also also deletes posts which are offtopic or unfitting for a thread without deeming the wrongdoing so serious as to punish an account.

As for your question, you will never know if the player was punished or not, because Cip will not discuss these decisions with players.


Code of conduct that all players are expected to follow. Violating or attempting to violate the Tibia Rules may lead to a temporary suspension of characters and accounts. In severe cases the removal or modification of character skills, attributes and belongings, as well as the permanent removal of characters and accounts without any compensation may be considered.

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