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by (718 points)
In pure theory all vocations have suffered in the same way (same healing/damage nerf on all spells/runes) , but we know that experience may differ and depends on what spells are used during hunt. For example healing nerf will be less noticeable on exura vita than med ico.

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If I'm not mistaken on my calculations, EK, closely followed by RP and then the mages.
I keep a google sheet for my tibia formulas as updated as I can and I did the math for this nerf yesterday.
I'm missing some formulas (mostly new healing spells).
You can check the sheet for mistakes or corrections.

2022-October-18 Nerf RP

2022-October-18 Nerf Mages

by (718 points)
Thanks for this table. As I expected, that's a 96,6 (RP) vs 86,2 percent (EK) of healing spell effectiveness at lvl 2001. Level part in exura med ico play important role.