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by (396 points)
With Marapur, the hunting ground of Naga Warriors, Naga Archers and Makaras was introduced.

I recently started hunting there (after it was nerfed) and I find it mostly empty, but some people have messaged me to check if I hunt -1 or -2, when all videos and my own experience was about hunting the whole spawn.
One of them was from the dominant guild so I agreed to allow them to hunt one floor while I kept to the other, and it was alright for me, maybe not as good.

Is this normal? Is hunting one floor the same exp/h or similar as hunting both? If so, which floor is considered better? is there a difference if you are EK or RP?
When hunting just one floor, do you skip any of the areas?

Thank you!
by (328 points)
I did not hunt there yet because I'm a RP and I hate those ranged monsters, but from what I saw in Tibia forum, only high level players (like 700+? I'm not sure) would need both floors. A player at 400-500 would hunt fine in just one floor. Regarding RPxEK, of course an EK will hunt much more efficiently there, so you need more levels as a RP to use both floors.
by (396 points)
When I mention RP/EK it is more regarding which floor would each vocation prefer.

I have tried hunting there as both vocations at 550-600 lvl range, and while EKs have a simpler time, the Naga Archers aren't that bad for RP. They stand 1 sqm closer than most ranged monsters do, which means Divine Caldera and Diamond Arrows hit them (if they are lined up correctly), and you can always turn them melee at some points to finish them off.

It has been much better than in other hunting spots for RP-ranged, give it a try.

2 Answers

0 votes
by (126 points)
the difference on each floor is  almost nule

but if you preffer to kil running like a mage or Paladin 2 floor is better

if your are a knight, they preffer 1 floor

Hope this help you :)
0 votes
by (49 points)
Im RP and I hunt both floors, but mostly on -1, In -2 I only take the spot near the ladder at the west part of the spawn and to the north, in the intersection