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by (1,274 points)

Where can I find full spoiler about the new Nagas area? ITEMS, SEARCH, ASSEMBLY, ACHIEVEMENTS AND outfit. I'm anxious and curious about Marapur and don't know where to find information on how to get started.

Tibia - Jogo de RPG Online Multiplayer Gratuito - Notícias

1 Answer

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by (1,582 points)
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To start missions to access marapur you must:

"Go to the northeast area of Tiquanda and talk to Tarun. Ask about the asuri and he will tell you that sometimes the vile demons in the palace visit a far away place. He's curious about it but don't dare checking it himself, so he asks for your help."

For more spoiler please visit tibiawiki website and summer update 2022 page

