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by (1,527 points)

I would like to know what I need to do to access Ekatrix lair. And also if there is a cooldown to kill her.


1 Answer

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by (82 points)
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You need to build a Sacred Antler Talisman then go to her cave and start using the talisman on the tainted soul to redeem it. (red to white). Once you have done this 100 times, you may enter her portal.

**There is a tracker for your kills in Quest Log/Adventurers Guild/The Tainted Souls.  -- Credit: Ricci.

Once you kill her you will have to wait 20 hours to do this process again. YES you must do this every time you want to kill her.

by (1,527 points)
Thank you! To track I killed the redeemed souls and put them on the bestiary tracker, I found it weird that they do not appear on the Creatures Killed on the Hunt Analyser
by (1,558 points)
There's a tracker in your quest log. Check "The Tainted Souls" mission in the "Adventurers Guild" section.
by (82 points)
So it seems i was wrong, you were right. thank you sir for that information.

i will change my answer to reflect this.
by (17 points)
It would be good to add a map showing the location of Ekatrix Lair.