+1 vote
by (718 points)
I was thinking about some PvP tricks to outsmart stronger enemies. Let's say my whole team will collect required souls to be able to enter Ekatrix lair, and after that kill enemy making pz skull. It is possible to escape to Ekatrix lair during active pz?

2 Answers

+3 votes
by (781 points)
selected by
Best answer

No, you may not enter the Ekatrix room while pz locked. In the screenshot below you can clearly see I am standing on the portal skulled and 100 redeemed souls collected. When attempting to enter, you will stand directly on the portal, but will not be teleported into the boss room.

0 votes
by (725 points)
I have tested this before and it was not possible at the time. To my knowledge it has not changed