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according to wiki's there's no pratical use for these. and now theres a lot of buy offers in market...  i mean...why lol
by (1,534 points)
many ppl do that to either set prices for their imbuements or stuff or simply to annoy the hunt analyzer of unadverted players, rather than that i dont think exist any use, but i will leave it as comment just in case.
by (1,534 points)
welp, maybe u will like to understand how this website works before saying that, no one is forced to actually answer your question and i can literally add anything that i consider important to this as a comment (as long as i don't break rules which i didn't) the only unnecessary thing here then is just your rudeness, im not even "answering" it but doing a comment which u could ignore.

in the other hand, not all servers are buying fishbone, so were weirder that in your specific server someone found something that require tons of fishbones and no other server have them being bought which ends closer to what i said, maybe someone is just  buying it to create a price for unadverted players and mess-up their analyzers which is a common behaviour.
by (1,516 points)
What server is this happening on? it would be interesting to add this information so that we can investigate the possible reason.
Sorry I should've said it before, it is happening on menera, last time I checked there was like 10 buy offers of 1k each, and I sold like five fishbones for 3k each

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (17,406 points)

There's no explanation for why Fishbones cost so much as they're useless. Some players do this to be funny in the market as noted in the comment section as it can give your hunting analyzer inaccurate results.
