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It doesn't make sense that Urmalulu drops enchanted version of theurgic amulet if i can't put it on market. I have no 220+ sorcerer or druid to make it unchenchanted, so basically this item is useless for me because ppl buy it from market, nobody looks on advertising chat tab nowadays. Sleep shawl which is simillar item has an option for selling its enchanted version.
by (17,410 points)
You're now able to trade your amulet in the market :)

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (17,410 points)
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As of July 21 2020, we can now trade an Enchanted Theurgic Amulet in the market. It was previously an error that we weren't able to sell this item in the market. Thanks to you, we did report this to Cipsoft via a ticket and as promised, they fixed the error. Always helpful to report things that don't seem right.

Enchanted Theurgic AmuletFor the Theurgic Amulet the thing with with this amulet is it comes enchanted from the boss, 
Urmahlullu the Weakened, in which you don't even manually enchant it yourself.

Enchanted PenduletThe Enchanted PendulentSleep Shawl The Enchanted Sleep Shawl are similar items from bosses. They also can be re-enchanted at the NPC Cledwyn for 2 Silver Tokens which is what all three of these items have in common. And are also sellable in the market as well! 

Source- https://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=5658&fbegind=21&fbeginm=6&fbeginy=2020&fendd=21&fendm=7&fendy=2020&flist=11111111

by (479 points)
I think it has something to do regarding the enchanting time remaining on the item, since the client doesn't differenciate whether it is fully charged or if it has been used for X ammount of time because the sprite of the item remains the same. But once it has been fully uncharged, the sprite changes and then you can sell it on market.
0 votes
by (464 points)
Now this bug is fixed.

Anyway if u want to sell it, just ask for ms or ed friend to change, new theurgic and "recharged" theurgic.

Recharged theurgics can be post on market