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When you are going though market, some of the items are highlighted either in red. Could you explain why is that ?
by (17,406 points)
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No trouble, mistakes happen I just was thinking that I was crazy myself ~
My bad, I was thinking of two questions, got distracted and
I managed to somehow merged it like a crazy person
Thank you for spotting and letting me know re error !:)

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (17,406 points)
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Best answer

I wanted to paste you a quote from my source Tibia Manual: The Market "The Market includes an automatic system to help you detect and avoid unfair offers. The development of prices is monitored individually on each server, and average prices are calculated on a daily basis. To warn you that an offer may possibly be unfair, all sell offers that are 25 % or more higher than the server's average price are displayed in red letters, as are buy offers that are 25 % or more below the average. Please note that the automatic systems requires a certain minimum amount of statistical data to work with, so the automatic system may not work for items that are rarely traded. At any rate, we strongly recommend you check both item amounts and prices carefully whenever you are about to trade items in the Market!" If the writing is in white letters it's most likely not a scam but close to the average price.
