+4 votes
by (524 points)
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Sometimes a elemental wall rune (like energy wall or poison wall) casted stays on a straight line, and sometimes stays on a weird form like the screenshot below. I want to know how to use these runes.


by (5,773 points)
Excellent question. Do you mind if I add on the title that you are asking more specifically about wall field runes?
by (524 points)
no problem, my english is too bad x.x

2 Answers

+8 votes
by (524 points)
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Best answer

its not necessary to cast a elemental rune in a straight line in a position of the player, in the case i cast a energy wall in 1 sqm in the right of the straight position.

searching deep i realized that are a lot of sqms with we can cast a wall rune in straight position, and i listed this points.

In all of this points you can cast i straight wall.

by (2,564 points)
Excellent research there! Thanks for sharing and for the screenshot
by (5,773 points)
edited by
wow, what a discover! Thanks for letting us know about it! First time that someone tells me about that!
+5 votes
by (5,070 points)
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If you throw it in straight line it will be displayed as  a straight line , example:

In the case of your photo the rune was probably throwed like this:

As you see in that case you are not throwing the rune in straight line, in that case if you throw it on diagonal the rune will display on diagonal. 

Note: Energy wall cannot be throwed on yourself like other runes.

by (5,070 points)
I just checked and you cant use the energy wall under you
by (5,773 points)
Nice! If you want, pointing out this on your main answer would be interesting! And thanks for using screenshots, they look  very explanatory and easy to understand :)
by (524 points)
Thank You XD now all runes stay in right position, the energy walls have a longer sqms than fire wall.