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by (1,516 points)
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This creature lives in Marapur and can be tamed, how to get it?

Which item is used? Is there a quest to get the mount?

1 Answer

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by (718 points)
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Best answer

The giant beaver mount is a reward after completing the "Within the Tides" quest in the Summer 22 update.

You will obtain a colorful water lily after completing the quest which you can use on the giant beaver to tame it.

Source: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Within_the_Tides_Quest/Spoiler

EDIT: With the live version of the update, the beaver is accessible only during the beaver breakout mini world change which has a chance to happen each server save

by (1,516 points)
thank you! :)
by (1,527 points)
hi, got the flower but how do we open the beavers cage?
by (718 points)
answer updated after implementation