+3 votes
by (5,730 points)
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Today I was searching for some information about this new mount, Phantasmal Jade. So I wanted to know if someone has any proven information about this mount, where to find it and how to tame it?

Will really appreciated it if you can add any pics about it.

Thanks in advance.
by (1,412 points)
maybe could be loot of the final boss of new quest

3 Answers

+3 votes
by (1,181 points)

Is quite early to say, but got 2 thinga about it first: 

1) In Tibiawiki.com.br sayd Spectral Horse Tack.gif Spectral Horseshoe.gifSpectral Saddle.gif  those 3 parts are needed to tame the Spectral Horse.gif  i "supose" those itens drop from new bosses of soul war quest the dificulty is pretty high but should be a mount of same level of Neon Sparkid.gif Rift Runner.gif Vortexion.gif

by (5,730 points)
It makes sense, but I'd like to wait to see a test photo or video.
+3 votes
by (4,311 points)
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Best answer


First, you need the following items:
- 4 Spectral Horseshoes is a boss drop from Goshnar's Malice
Spectral Horse Tack is a boss drop from Goshnar's Hatred
Spectral Saddle  is a boss drop from Goshnar's Cruelty

Also, you need to have complete the next quest:

Soul War Quest. 

How to get it:

When you have all of that use all the spectral horseshoes while you have all the rest items with you to get the mount. 
Note: in addition, you get the achievement: You Got Horse Power.


by (4,311 points)
Thx a lot =]
good afternoon,
I want to get the mount, but when I try it says the reading "You need Goshnar's blessing to use this item." Do you know what I have to do?
Heya! You have to finish soul war Quest first and be sure you dont have any taint.
0 votes
by (1,557 points)
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Since none get this mount yet it's impossible to say how tame it. As Longshoot said, fandom list three items as needed to create the item to tame the Spectral Horse, so we guess they drop from the new bosses but we don't have any confirmed info about it.

  • Spectral Horse tack Spectral Horse Tack.gif
  • Spectral Horseshoe Spectral Horseshoe.gif
  • Spectral Saddle Spectral Saddle.gif