+1 vote
by (17,406 points)
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How does the hunting task count creatures when your in a party or without a party and another player attacks the same creature? Does it still keep counting the creatures for you? Do you need to hit the creature a certain amount or what?

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (17,406 points)
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Best answer

How hunting task kills are counted-

Hunting in a Party: If you are in a party and shared experience is activated, the kill counts for all party members who have attacked the creature.

Hunting in a Party without shared experience or other hunting situations (solo or if someone is killing creatures without party activated): Kills count for the character who has dealt the most damage.

Source: Tibia Manual: Combat

0 votes
by (101 points)
When I am completing a Hunting Task or Killing in the name of quest especially at higher levels I am always with the my tank. The magic number to that question is 51%.  So if you are hunting Hydras with a partner or solo, in order for it to count in your tasks is you have to personally over 50% of 2350 Health.  So who ever does 1176 damage. If there are three or more players, the person with the majority damage gets the kill.

Only thing I can not answer off the top of my head is if someone had previously damaged the creature and logged off. I believe the rule of thumb is if you would have gotten the loot being solo, you would get the kill count.
0 votes
by (1,557 points)
Well, that is pretty simple, the crature will just count to the one who "own" the creatures death, it means all you need to do is to deal more damage than the other players.