+5 votes
by (2,564 points)
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Most of the charm points require a long hunt to fully unlock the creature and obtain them. However, there are specific, rare, or seasonal creatures, that can provide with some quick charm points.

Some examples are:

  • Water Buffalo (30 charms points; 5 kills) - spawns around Venore every 4 hours
  • All lightbearer basin spawns creatures (460 charm points total; 5 kills each; only during Lightbearer)
  • Yeti (50 charm points; 5 kills) - rare Folda and Chyllfroest spawn

What are all the other quick and easy charm points that you can get in under 15 minutes, rather than during lengthy hunts? If the spawn is irregular or seasonal, please don't forget to mention that in your answer.

by (5,796 points)
Excellent question! I will certainly pay attention to answers made here!

Ellotris, is it ok to answer your question mentioning creatures like grynch goblins or undead jesters? Because it is very quick to get some charm points from these creatures once you are participating on a raid (5 and 3 kills respectively), but you need to wait a year to participate on such events most of the time...
by (2,564 points)
Yeah, as I mentioned seasonal creatures are fine. I only ask to clearly mark them in the answer, so that people are not confused.
by (5,796 points)
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I even made sure to "lose" some extra time this april with my main char camping not very far away from carpets or boats, in order to make sure that I will come quickly to a raid and get killed undead jesters for my bestiary. They are killed quite fast by many people with aoe runes/areas so sometimes you might come to the raid area where everyone got them killed already :P but it is worth to lose time finding them at least once. Easy points to get!
by (6,736 points)
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Hi! I like the concept of this question because it might be really helpful, but I'm not sure if it's asked correctly - what I mean is that the example of Yeti is in my opinion, not an easy nor quck. I know players who tries to finish it for a few years, still without any result. While much quicker is to hunt True Asuras for 4-5 hours and make 100 points. What is more - from the point of view of mid level player is also easier. Maybe it's worth to emphasize the ratio of killed monsters to points scored in the question. And then ask a completely different question about actually the ease and quickness of making those points. Looking at the answers to this question, there are many entries that are neither easy nor fast to do, while many options to get points fast are completely ignored because of the suggestion of irregular spawns.

3 Answers

+6 votes
by (7,037 points)
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CreatureKills to full unlockCharm PointsLocationEvent/Quest
Iron Servant550Mage's TowerWorld Change "Their Master's Voice"
Golden Servant550Mage's TowerWorld Change "Their Master's Voice"
Diamond Servant550Mage's TowerWorld Change "Their Master's Voice"
Thornfire Wolf550ShadowthornWorld Change "Thornfire"
Crystal Wolf550ShadowthornWorld Change "Thornfire"
Midnight Panther550TiquandaX
Dryad550Ab'dendriel, Cormaya, Tiquanda, Edron and Carlin.World Change "Flower Month"
Crustacea Gigantica550Calassa or Treasure IslandX
Undead Cavebear550Lich HellX
Cake Golem530Carlin, Darashia, Edron, Liberty Bay and ThaisWorld Quest "A Piece of Cake"
Goblin Leader530BeregarX
Dire Penguin530SvargrondX
Troll Guard530ThaisMini World Change "Kingsday"
Wild Horse510ThaisWorld Change "Horse Station"
Undead Jester 510Ab'dendriel, Ankrahmun, Carlin, Darashia, Edron, Gray Beach, Kazordoon, Liberty Bay, Oramond. Port Hope, Svargrond, Thais, Venore, Yalahar and Farmine.Aprils Fools Event
Grycnh Clan Goblin510Ab'dendriel, Ankrahmun, Carlin, Darashia, Edron, Gray Beach, Kazordoon, Liberty Bay, Oramond. Port Hope, Svargrond, Thais, Venore, Yalahar and Farmine.Santa Event
Dog251Thais or CarlinX
Cat251Carlin or YalaharX
Butterfly x4 (Red, Yellow, Blue and Pink)25 Each
(100 Total)
1 Each
(4 Total)
Port HopeX

by (2,564 points)
Looks better. The iron/golden/diamond servants also aren't a regular spawn. You first need to do the fungus cleaning of the "Their Master's Voice" world change. The mount creatures also aren't regular. Do you have any info on how often they spawn?
by (5,796 points)
Including the monsters already mentioned by Ellotris on the first post on your list would be a good move in my humble opinion, Trululu. I'm not an expert on easy monsters for bestiary, but the Goblin Leader and the Troll Guard can be done really fast as well if you know where to look for them :)
I would also add to the table Nightfiend & Vicious Manbat ( 50 charm points for killing 5 of them) during The Pale Count Raid in Drefia
+4 votes
by (287 points)
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Best answer

Hey buds,

I have recently came back to Tibia. Nowadays it is nothing like the oldschool Tibia I used to play. Had to spend few weeks on learning how to catch up with the gameplay. I want to share my earned knowledge of Charm Points especially with the ones having not that much time to grind since comming back to check out nostalgic mood from youth. I have made a list of the fastest way to get Charm Points during the whole year.

Hope you enjoy that!

Monsters are assigned to following groups:

  • Quick Regular Spawn
  • Quick Unregular Spawn
  • Seasonal (they spawn once in period per year)
  • CEMT (commiting, easy, multi-tasking)

Only few are possible to unlock within 15 minutes, but that is just a drop in the sea if you even want to think about unlocking any Charm. Some of them are possible to earn any time you decide to grind extra charm points, for some others you will have to arm yourself with a little patience! In my opinion average of 20 Charm Points per hour is fantastic score for us – „Sunday League Tibians”.

To be honest I haven’t added unregular mount monsters like Midnight Panther (50pts) ~7 days cooldown per 1 creature or Yeti (50pts) ~20days cooldown per 1 creature. All of above need only 5 monsters killed to grab charm points, but… But you will spend like ages to spot them and this guide is not about that!

To come to the point.


Water Buffalo (5 monsters – 30 points)

Duration: ~5 minutes

Location: South-Eastern Swamps of Venore

You might meet some low level monsters along the road.

Simply check that area:

I met them in the middle of circled area.

Goblin Leader (5 monsters – 30 points)

Duration: ~10 minutes

Location: Fenrock Hills (ship from Yalahar – Foreigner quarter – NPC Maris)

Arm yourself with a pick.

On the way there you will meet some Crocs, Rots, Skeletons and 2 Elder Bonelords (place shown on screenshots below).

After you ask NPC Maris to bring you to Fenrock simply follow the route:

And the proof:

Raging Fire (5 monsters – 50 points)

Duration: N/A

Location: Underground Glooth Factory

Raging Fire can be found during Hero of Rathleton Quest. That is some kind of high level spot. If you had already done Hero of Rathleton Quest before bestiaries have kicked in, you need to repeat that mission.  


Dire Pinguin (5 monsters – 30pts)

Duration: N/A since they spawn in amount 1 per spot

Spawn date: Random but more like 1-2 days

Location: Svargrond surroundings

Dire Penguin is I would say the easiest creature among unregular spawns. They respawn in places with a high amount of normal penguins, look exactly the same and might easily be missed.

Crustacea Gigantica (5 monsters – 50pts)

Duration: N/A since they spawn in amount 1 per spot

Spawn date: every 3-5 days

Location: Treasure Island -2/Calassa/Oramond Underwater -2

Crustaceas respawn every 3-5 days in mentioned locations. I heard that you can actually make them respawn by killing other monsters on nearby areas but this info is not confirmed.

Nightfiend & Vicious Manbat (2x 5 monsters – 2x 50pts)

Duration: ~30 minutes

Spawn date: Pale Count Raid

Location: Drefia Vampire Cave

If you spot following world message:

„The Pale Count has risen from his crypt deep under Drefia. Blood will flow.”

you should definately move toward Drefia Crypts. After the boss Pale Count gets killed, you will have 10 minutes to complete the task.

Monsters spawn on following floors:

Floor -5: 1x Vicious Manbat

Floor -6: 1x Vampire Bride, 1x Vampire Viscount

Floor -7: high amount of Nightfiends, Vicious Manbats, Vampire Brides, Vampires, Vampire Viscounts, Banshees

Floor -8: some Nightfiends, Vicious Manbats, Vampire Brides, Gravediggers

Undead Cavebear (5 monsters - 50pts)

Duration: ~30 minutes

Spawn date: every 3-4 days

Location: Lich Hell

Usually, Undead Cavebears can be spot every 3 days. For this purpose you should check your world statistics about them. If you spot information "last seen: 3 days ago" – you should definately rush to check if they are there!  Sometimes, but rarely they respawn on the 4th day.

Undead Cavebears respawn in 3 waves. The first one occurs at random hour. The second wave respawns exactly 5 hours later. The third one respawns exactly 5 hours after the second wave and 10 hours after the first.

Troll Guard (5 monsters – 30pts)

Duration: ~15 minutes

Location: North of Carlin, Thais Knight Arena

If you notice following World Message:

„Trolls trolling north-west of Carlin”, you should definately rush towards north-western coast of Carlin. 7 Troll champions will respawn 3 minutes after first world announcement.

Iron Servant, Gold Servant, Diamond Servant (3x5 monsters – 1x30 + 2x50 points)

Duration: ~90 minutes

Spawn date: Their Master's Voice World Change

Location: Mad Mage Edron Tower

I find that option very relaxing and quite exciting since you are able to loot a Mage’s Cap from a Mad Mage (worth atm ~60kk!).

First of all, you will need to ask any NPC Guide who spin around ships about „Master’s Voice”.

If the reply from NPC Guide is following: „The strange tower with the servants on Edron is covered in slime.” - it is possible to complete the quest, otherwise you will have to wait for your opportunity.

You can find full spoiler in this link:

Their Master's Voice World Change Spoiler - Tibia Fandom


All of listed below creatures are like super ultra quick to be done. The thing is that you have very little time in specific seasons.

Cake Golem (5 monsters – 30 points)

Duration: ~5 minutes

During: World Quest "A Piece of Cake"

Date: 21-26 February (only before server finishes „A piece of cake” World Quest)

Cake Golems respawn in following cities: Thais, Carlin, Edron, Darashia, Liberty Bay at hh:04 – every hour untill the whole server manages to eat all 4 layers of Cake on Cormaya’s Cake Island. After cake is eaten, the Cake Golems stop to respawn till the next year. So hurry up!

Undead Jester (5 monsters – 10 points)

Duration: ~5 minutes

During: Aprill Folls Event

Date: 1-14 April

Undead Jesters respawn in following cities: Ab’Dendriel, Ankrahmun, Carlin, Darashia, Edron, Kazordoon, Liberty Bay, Port Hope, Svargrond, Thais, Yalahar

Many people hunt them every year so you have to camp for them because there might be only dead bodies if you are not quick enough!

Remember to bring Dwarven Rings since they can make you drunk as hell!

Dryad (5 monsters – 50 points)

Duration: ~5 minutes

During: „Month of flowers” Mini World Change

Date: 1-30 June

Dryads can be met in the woods of following countries: Edron, Carlin oraz Port Hope. You will be able to meet them between 1 and 30 of June since the Month of Flowers World Change lasts the whole month! Like Undead Jesters, they they easily make you drunk so don’t forget about Dwarven Ring!

Bane Bringer (5 monsters – 50 points)

Duration: ~5 minutes

During: Bewitched World Event

Date: 21-25 June

Bane Bringers respawn in amounts 20-35 per wave, every 8 hours, during the Bewitched Event. 

You can spot them on floor -3, nearby the Venore Witch house.

The lightbearer Event (650 points !!!)

Monsters: Crystal Wolf (Elf Fortress), Thornfire Wolf (Elf Fortress), Elf Oversees (Elf Fortress), Dusk Bringer (Magican Quarter), Shadow Hound (Ramoa Island), Herald Of Gloom (Edron), Acolyte Of Darkness (Drefia), Nightslayer (Hellgate), Doomsday Cultist (Tarpit Tomb), Midnight Warrior (Plains of Havoc), Bride Of Night (Dwacatra Prison), Midnight Spawn (Forbidden Island), Bane of Light (Svargrond)

Overall: 13x 50 = 650 Charm Points

Requirements: 5 kills per monster

Duration: few hours

During: The Lightbearer World Event

Date: 11-15 November

The goal of the event is to keep fire burning in 10 lightbearer for 96 hours straight.

Every lightbearer after being burned summons unique monster that can only be summoned during the event. Only 5 kills are required to unlock charm points, making event opportunity an incredible gain of Charm Points.

The full list with locations of the lightbearers can be found in following link:

The Lightbearer Quest Spoiler - Tibia Fandom

Grynch Clan Goblin (5 monsters – 10 points)

Duration: ~5 minutes

During: Christmas Time

Date: 20-28 December

Grynch Goblins randomly spawn in waves. They literally spawn all over every Tibian city. You really have to try very hard to avoid them.

4) CEMT (commiting, easy, multi-tasking)

And finally we reached my best part, which I am kinda proud of – multitasking bestiaries. Places where you have to commit yourself a little bit, but still they are quite quick and you are receiving a decent payoff. Spots listed below are tried by me and I can certainly recommend them. In some of those places it is recommended to go during Rapid Respawn Event, although you can easily complete the Bestiary even without that.

Dark Cathedral

Overal: 120 Charm Points

Duration: ~4/5 hours

Average: ~25 CP/h

MonsterAmountCharm Points
Wild Warrior50015
Dark Monk50015
Dark Apprentice50015
Dark Magican50015


  • spot for FACC
  • slacky place with low chance of death
  • quick charms earning with AVAs/GFBs

Laguna Islands Surface – Rapid Respawn Recommended

Overal:  130 points

Duration: ~4 hours

Average: ~30 CP/h

MonsterAmountCharm Poimts
Green Frog2505
Azure Frog50015
Coral Frog50015
Crimson Frog50015
Orchid Frog50015


  • very fast charms earning with AVAs/GFBs
  • relaxing charming 
  • slacky place with no chance of death (if use stealth ring monsters can’t see invisibles)

Port Hope Banuta

Overall: 75 points

Duration: ~2/3 hours

Average: ~25 CP/h

MonsterAmountCharm Points


  • very profitable spot since you can loot Ape Furs and Banan Staff
  • low damage from monsters
  • quick charms earning with AVAs/GFBs
  • not that bad exp again for relaxing charming

Svargrond Barbarian Camp

Overall: 145 Charm Points

Duration: ~3/4 hours

Average: ~35 CP/h

MonsterAmountCharm Points
Winter Wolf50015
Barbarian Skullhunter50015
Barbarian Headsplitter50015
Barbarian Bloodwalker100025
Barbarian Brutetamer50015
Ice Witch100025


  • some valuable imbu items from Winter Wolfs & Mammoths
  • slacky place with low chance of death
  • quick charms earning with GFB
  • not that bad exp again for relaxing charming

Anrahmun Scarab Lair (lvl +50)

Overall: 120 charm points

Duration: ~6 hours

Average: ~20 CP/h

MonsterAmountCharm Points
Ancient Scarab100025


  • very profitable spot
  • good exp for low lvls
  • quick charms earning with AVA/GFB
  • not that bad exp again for relaxing charming

Orc Fortress

Overall: 150 charm points

Duration: 5 hours

Average: 30 CP/h

MonsterAmountCharm Points
Orc Spearman50015
Orc Warrior50015
Orc Shaman50015
Orc Rider50015
Orc Berserker100025
Orc Leader100025
Orc Warlord100025


  • profitable spot since you can loot imbu items: orc tooth, shamanic staff
  • quick charms earning with AVA/GFB
  • usually not crowded

Liberty Bay Nargor Pirates

Overall:  90 charm points

Duration: ~5 hours

Average: ~20 CP/h

MonsterAmountCharm Points
Pirate Marauder15
Pirate Buccaner25
Pirate Cutthroat25
Pirate Corsair25


  • quite decent exp for cp grinding
  • quick charms earning with AVA
  • very profitable spot with Pirate Addon items (Peg Leg, Hook, Eye Patch)
  • possibility to get task and kill boss with item worth 600k-900k (after killing 4000 pirates – which took me 6 hours with 130 ED)
  • not crowded at all

Calassa Quaras

Overall: 150 charm points

Duration: ~5 hours

Average: 30 CP/h

MonsterAmountCharm Points
Massive Water Elemental100025
Quara Constrictor100025
Quara Mantassin100025
Quara Hydromancer100025
Quara Pincher100025
Quara Predator100025


  • quite decent exp
  • quite decent drop
  • not crowded at all
  • chance to meet Crustacea Gigantica

It is almost impossible to create a flawless guide including every Tibian spot although I tried my best.

I hope I saved your precious time so you can spend it on playing instead of digging!

There is still much to be added so just feel free to add any other cool spots! Any verified informations will be welcomed!

Waiting for feedback, see ya!

by (6,736 points)
You can leave the basement after completing bestiary.  Nothing stands in the way. You will just lose 30-35 minutes cleaning the slime in case you decide to come back to kill the Mad Mage.
by (287 points)
Yes, you are right, my bad. You can actually finish bestiaries in 40 minutes. But you need to clean fungus again if you want to kill mage.
+1 vote
by (4,162 points)

Dire Penguin   30            Kill to full unlock : 5

You can check link bellow with the map where they are located:

I will also add that Troll Guards   you can also meet the raid in Carlin which occurs on average once a week.

Info from tibia.fandom:
