+1 vote
by (5,766 points)
  • We all know that there is a promotional contest running right now on this website, but how do we get to know about new ones in the future? Where is the place that the player should look up for information regarding it?

1 Answer

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by (5,766 points)
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  • The first step is to make sure to always look at the News Ticker on the official website of Tibia. You just need to access https://www.tibia.com and look at the top of the website, where is located the "News Ticker" section. The News Ticker includes several advertisements related to Tibia, including occasional promotions! Here you can see the News Ticker from the date of 5/11/2018:

Of course, sometimes you may miss the habit to look constantly at Tibia's homepage. A good call for that is to check the "News Archive". You can access it by going here, on the tab "News" and selecting "News Archive":

After that, you can insert here the lapse of time that you want to check. Make sure to check the "News Ticker" box only in order to retrieve only search results with ticker's content.

  • Another good way to be aware about promotions/raffles/contests taking place on Tibia is to follow them regularly. They can additionally host special contests published only for the Fansite community (which means that they are most of the time sponsored by a third party, not related to Tibia directly), being sometimes not even mentioned on Tibia's News Ticker (it actually depends on thew situation).

List of Promoted & Supported Fansites officially recognized by Cipsoft: https://www.tibia.com/community/?subtopic=fansites

Some world boards on the official community boards may offer a raffle or some kind of event occasionally, but it is hard to predict when it happens. A good rule of thumb is to be always aware about your world board, since some servers are more busy and populated than others. Pay attention: Watch out for suspicious links promising items or coins for Tibia at ANY place. Always look for reliable content!
