+4 votes
by (5,318 points)

There are several aspects in the game which can be triggered in certain way- for example Mini World Change - Twisted Waters which will help us to finish bestiary with Bog Frog & Filthy Toads very quickly or perhaps Renegade Quaras from Seacrest Grounds. 

I am looking for list of World changes with rare specific bestiaries (when active or not active) which is worth to pursue during Rapid Respawn, for example:

Mini World ChangeActive Not- Active  How to Trigger
 The Fire- Feather Serpent World ChangeRenegate Quaras  Seacrest Serpent  Kill 3000 Seacrest Serpent/ Kill 1000 Renegate Quaras to deactivate

2 Answers

+5 votes
by (4,162 points)
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Best answer

Red color marks world change which is worth killing during rapid respawn.


Nomads Mini World Change (active random)

 Nomad (Blue), Nomad (Female).

Stampede (active random)

Terrified Elephant

Fire from the Earth  (active random)

 DemonsDiabolic ImpsDragonsDragonlings

Dragon HatchlingsDragon LordsDragon Lord HatchlingsHellfire Fighter

Kill 50 fiery creatures of any kind (on top of or inside the volcano) to get the achievement Fire from the Earth.

Fury Gates (active random)

Massive Fire Elemental, Dragon Lord, Dragonling, Diabolic Imp, Hellfire Fighter, Infernalist, Fury

Kingsday Mini World (active random)

There is a lot of raids monsters, it depends on the announcement.

Poacher Caves (active every day, different set of monsters)

•Wolf, Bear, Boar, War Wolf

•Poacher, Hunter, Wolf

•Gloom Wolf, Ghost Wolf

On the notice board, we will only find general information about the change. If we want to know exactly what monsters are in the cave on a given day - listen to Towncryer.

Spirit Grounds (active every day, different set of monsters and place)

Ghost, Ghoul, Bonelord and Mummy

Nightstalker, Banshee, Souleater and Braindeath

Nightmare, Nightmare Scion, Spectre and Phantasm

The Forsaken Mine 

Is located south of the gate to Ab'Dendriel, and can change daily to contain different creatures.

Known cave versions are:

Forsaken Mine/Rorcs - containing Rorcs.

Forsaken Mine/Forest Furies -containing Forest Furies, Leaf Golems and Wilting Leaf Golems.

Forsaken Mine/Cyclopes -containing Cyclopes, Cyclops Drones and Cyclops Smiths.

Forsaken Mine/Lost Dwarves - containing Drillworms, Lost Hushers, Lost Throwers and Lost Bashers.

Jungle Camp (active every day, different set of monsters)

Poachers, Hunters, and perhaps Arthom the Hunter.

Dworc Fleshhunters, Dworc Venomsnipers, Dworc Voodoomasters, and perhaps Oodok Witchmaster.

Nightmare Isles (active every day, different place)

Silencer, Retching Horror, Choking Fear, Terrorsleep


 Awash World Change (active next ss by triggering)

Access to the Deepling Scout spawn

Until the next server save, for all players on the server: access to Deepling Scout mines; ability to travel from Kazordoon to Thais and Robson's Isle. Possibility to kill Groam and get the Eye of the Deep achievement.

Demon Wars (active next ss by triggering)

Below Edron, two Demon races, the Shaburak Demons and the Askarak Demons.

Horse Station (active by triggering)

When the horses run away, they run around Thais every 3 hours

Horestis - The Mummy's Curse (active by triggering)

Hyaenas, Nomads, Ghoulish Hyaenas, Tomb Servants, Sacred Spiders, Clay Guardians, Grave Guards, Death Priests, Elder Mummies, Sandstone Scorpion, Horestis.

Overhunting (active next ss by triggering)

White Deer, Starving Wolves

Twisted Waters (active next ss by triggering)

Filth Toad

Insectoid Invasion (active random)

Insectoid Scout

The Fire-Feathered

Quara Renegades (active by triggering same ss)

all types of Quaras, Abyssal Calamary, Blood Crab, Shark, Young Sea Serpent, Sea Serpent and Seacrest Serpent.

Also Crustacea Gigantica, more information can be found in this topic :

Where are the spots that the crustacea can respawn instead of Abyssal Calamary on Seacrest Grounds?

Swamp Fever (active by triggering)

Feverish Citizen

Thornfire (active next ss by triggering)

Elves, Elf Scouts, Firestarters, Elf Overseers, Toads,


The Mage's Tower  (active daily)

Raging Mage, Yielothax . Access to Uniwheel (Mount).

Source :TibiaFandom,Tibiopedia

by (5,318 points)
Hi Daissy,
Thank you for this great answer, however, may I ask you to highlight and prioritise the monsters which are unique or very uncommon during those world changes?
I are missing Crustacea gigantica also:)
by (4,162 points)
Hello, I'm glad you like my answer, I marked in red those that are worth doing during rapid respawn and added  some more information :) Happy hunting!
0 votes
by (1,058 points)
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I used your example and put all other mini-world changes/world changes that may be interesting to check. Hope this will help

Mini World ChangeActive Not- Active  How to Trigger
AwashDeepling Scouts- Give 200 nuggets of coal to Dronk
 The Fire- Feather Serpent World ChangeRenegate QuarasSeacrest SerpentKill 3000 Seacrest Serpent/ Kill 1000 Renegate Quaras to deactivate
Twisted WatersFilth Toads-Drop 1000 corpses on Lake Equivocolao to activate
Fish 1000 fish bones and/or shimmer swimmer to deactivate
Chakoya IcebergChakoya Toolshaper, Chakoya Tribewarden, Chakoya Windcaller-No trigger, random chance
Fire from earthDragonling-No trigger, random chance
StampedeTerrified Elephants-No trigger, random chance
Horestis TombGhoulish Hyaena, Tomb Servant, Sacred Spider, Clay Guardian, Elder Mummy, Grave Guard, Sandstone Scorpion, Death PriestGrave Robber, Crypt DefilerNo trigger, random chance
by (5,318 points)
It is a great start, however, a few candidates are still missing. For example- Death Priest. Please reevaluate
by (1,058 points)
True, totally forgot about Horestis tomb! Will add right now. If you know any other, please tell me
by (435 points)
Theres one world change that even CipSoft forgets about, it's not on world board, the Pirate Corsairs at Krailos, it's great to make bestiary there, even greater during rapid respawn.