+2 votes
by (5,796 points)

I saw that the anniversary buffet recorded my last use and displayed that I was showing up in a row! It also doubled my Theon points. But how it progresses through time? Can someone explain me how it works?

by (5,318 points)
I have so many questions about this- did you use same buffet (same city); was it on your all chars? Is it on the third day ? What was exact message… :X

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (5,318 points)
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Best answer

The progress on the buffet table goes as follows:

Y multiplied by 25- where Y is number of days where you used buffet.

So on the 5th day you will receive 125 Theon points :)

Only on 7th day this will change, and you will receive 300 points. 

1st day25
2nd day50
3rd day75
4th day100
5th day125
6th day150
7th day300
8th (1st day of new streak week)25

Your streak will not break if you skip one day.

Additionally maximum streak is 7 days, as confirmed by Skerio:

it would be a shame resetting the streak and starting from 25 theons in the middle of the event with no possible way to avoid that.

It should be noted that the maximum streak is 7 days, after which it begins at day 1 again.


by (17,406 points)
You should add to your answer - It should be noted that the maximum streak is 7 days, after which it begins at day 1 again. https://www.tibia.com/forum/?action=thread&threadid=4901013&pageitems=20&pagenumber=19
by (3,816 points)
so in day 8 is 25 points again? D:
by (17,406 points)
yes, this happened to me ^^