+4 votes
by (1,058 points)
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TibiaBR was one of the first fansites created based on tibia and it was pretty accessed. I was part of the staff for a short period of time in 2014. When I came back to Tibia this year it was the first fansite I checked out and couldn't believe it stopped making Tibia content. So my questions are:

1 - Is it still a supported fansite, even though it's using the platform to announce an OTServer?

2 - What happened to the site and when it made that change?

2 Answers

+6 votes
by (2,426 points)
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TibiaBR's owner was not pleased with some of the rules CipSoft required fansites to abide to, specially concerning what they were allowed to advertise in the fansite or not. Particulary, TibiaBR wanted to publish ads of a Tibia Coins gambling website which CipSoft did not allow. This was the main reason why TibiaBR decided to leave the program, as they decided it would be more benefitial for them to have the freedom of advertising anything over the perks of being a supported/promoted fansite.

After they left the program, they also started to invest on their own OT server as it would no longer be a problem for them.

The fansite's popularity itself was already in decline, since it was heavily focused on translating news and forum-based content. Since automatic translations became better and more popular over the years and forum content less popular (since most content creators moved to Wikis, social networks, youtube, twitch, etc), TibiaBR was already short on staff and struggling to create content of its own. Without the space to promote content on official News Tickers and create contests with special prizes, over the years it was indeed left aside by the community in favor of other sources of content.

Finally, it's worth noting that the owner of TibiaBR is also the owner of other fansites such as Portal Tibia and the Brazilian Tibia Wiki, which still share some of the staff with TibiaBR.

Source: I was also part of the Staff of TibiaBR for a couple years and saw this process happen.

Edit: After the fansite left the programme the admin recorded a video where he explain his reasons behind the decision, which I realized is where I got most of my story from as well. You can search it on youtube by "Por que o TibiaBR deixou o programa de fansites oficiais?". It's obviously only in Portuguese.
by (5,796 points)
Important note that older players may confirm: TibiaBr used to have a forum section dedicated to OT servers before 2005. But it got removed after Tibiabr became a supported fansite, returning once again in 2017. I would like to confirm another information with @Lee: is it true that the website used to offer sections with some "small" cheat programs as well before they turned into a supported fansite? Just as a matter of curiosity. I am talking about the programs for ambient light and et cetera.

TibiaBr was personally the most important fansite during my first years of Tibia. I was sad when they left the fansite program (even though they were already declining and couldn't manage to reinvent themselves).
by (1,058 points)
Yes, FPoPP, TibiaBR had some programs like those. Also, if my memories are not betraying me, they even had some tools for OTservers, like hamachi
by (2,426 points)
I can't say I remember TIbiaBR specifically having space for these programs but if I had to guess I'd say that yes, they probably did. The software for full Light, Hotkey Fishing, Outfit changer, Auto retry login etc were barely considered cheating by a large part of the community back then (or at least that's the impression I had), as opposed to using macros to rune farm and train skills. Regarding OTs, they were so new back then that I suspect not even CipSoft knew what to think of them (they probably didn't believe it was going anywhere at first and found the concept cool, haha).
+1 vote
by (17,406 points)

Copied directly from my source: TibiaWiki

TibiaBr was one of the first three fansites to join the newly created Supported Fansite Programme on March 24, 2005 and became a promoted fansite with the introduction of the new fansite programme on November 11, 2008. On February 2, 2017, TibiaBr voluntarily left the fansite program, and is no longer supported.

by (1,058 points)
Thanks for the intel, but do you know what happened to the site that it decided to stop being part of the program? And why did it happen?
by (17,406 points)
Nothing aside from whats written on wiki or tibia.com that they voluntarily left