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by (171 points)
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As one of possible rewards from Tibiadrome you can buy plushies: Hoodinion, Domestikion, Scissorion, Mearidion and Murmillion for 2,5k points. Has anyone had any experience of selling/buying those? What are prices on your server? Please also provide info which game world was it. They're not marketable, so can't check there.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (36 points)
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Best answer

The plushies ( Hoodinion, Domestikion, Scissorion, Mearidion and Murmillion) are non-tradable, they remain in your store and only the character who bought them can get them. You can only use it if you are the owner of the house, and no one can take it away.
by (171 points)
Thanks for your answer, but are you sure about this? The items that shows in store inbox are not "Pickable", while those plushies are, according to Tibia Wiki:

by (36 points)
I have 2 plushies in my house, and no one can get them.  Are store items just like hunting task items. These plushies are non-tradable unlike pit demons.
by (171 points)
Ok, thanks for clarification :)