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by (36 points)
When a fiend monster is in an inaccessible location, how long do I have to wait for it to change its location?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (3,816 points)
You need to wait for 1 hour to another monster become fiendish (the next monster can spawn in another inaccessible area so if you really have this bad luck it would take another hour)
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by (4,384 points)
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As Raven Branwen has already mentioned, the cycle of being a "fiend creature" is one hour and then it becomes a regular monster again. 

I just would like to add that:

  • Having a creature in a inaccessible location doesn't mean you will have to wait 1h, more than 1 creature can be alive at any moment. The exiva will show you the direction to the NEAREST one. A good strategy is, if you find a creature in a inaccessible location, go to the farthest possible location from it and exiva again, pretty big chance the exiva will indicate another creature.
  • The spell "Find Fiend" will indicate how long until a creature will become regular monster again (15 min or less)

CM's official responses:

1. Fiendish monsters will now turn into regular monsters after one hour; the spell Find Fiend will state how many minutes the creature will still remain fiendish if it were to turn into a regular creature in the next 15 minutes.1

2. It takes five minutes for a fiendish monster to appear; while it's theoretically possible that they happen to be in the same area, it's rather unlikely as only a handful of them are present at the same time in the game world.2

3. Up to 3 fiendish monsters can be present at the same time on a game world.3

1. https://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=6454&fbegind=2&fbeginm=11&fbeginy=2021&fendd=2&fendm=12&fendy=2021&flist=11111111

2. https://www.tibia.com/forum/?action=thread&postid=39252863#post39252863

3. https://www.tibia.com/forum/?action=thread&postid=39252950#post39252950

by (1,669 points)
Just like a creature does not spawn as fiendish, it won't despawn (or disappear) 1 hour after being fiendish, technically speaking. When it's time for a new fiendish creature, an ordinary creature will become fiendish and, after 1 hour, it will become an ordinary creature again.
by (5,318 points)
I hope you don't mind my changes (I rephrased part about disappearing creature taking Hunter's comment into account and add official responses from CM's). However, if you feel it is bit too much feel free to remove additional aspects.