+1 vote
by (15 points)
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I have seen houses in thais sold by 300kk, and other ones in Edron, as the Central Circle houses in 200kk.

I wonder: which house is the most expensive one, and why? because of location? SQMS? Server? Pvp system?
by (17,404 points)
You mean based off on the typical auction price and not rent? Please edit your question to not make it similar to Related question title: https://www.tibiaqa.com/14901/what-are-the-most-expensive-houses-availables-at-tibia
by (45 points)
Thais Harbour 1, 2 are the most expensive ones because of location and because they're Tibian legacy houses, Thais harbour 3 is also expensive because of location as well and size (bigger than the other two)
by (5,770 points)
I tried to edit your question and make it better but I realized that it is potentially an unfit one for our website - answer may vary drastically depending of which server you play and which houses are added or modified. It does not follow the pattern of renting price as an example, depending solely on server's economy stage...

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (7,016 points)
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The most expensive (No matter the server) are:

by (5,318 points)
Yeah, but it might vary. Therefore more options are sustaining better answer and will be more fitting in general. Not "my server knows best."
by (17,404 points)
I am confused on the question if it is meant for all servers or what is the most expensive house in-game out of all servers? I hope you don't confuse my comment with me saying "Pacera is the best" because that's not my intention or I didn't mean it like that. This answer says "No matter the server" so it's confusing me because I personally don't think they are the top 2 in my server that's all. Whoever downvoted my comment doesn't understand what I meant. I just know people in my server tend to go towards SQ over historic houses. I have many people message almost every week for a Venore house and I myself couldn't see me liking Thais over Venore. So it really depends on taste or opinion. I don't browse through auction prices of houses so I don't like which is the priciest one in Pacera, but people really seem to like Venore and Edron.
by (5,318 points)
I am not saying about you that Pacera is the best. ;-) I saw you rising that on Pacera are different houses which are "top" so I was more looking at the "middle ground"- to come out more rich answer containing more houses (lets say 5) with proper reasoning why those.
Otherwise if we decide to choose only one- the answer can be flagged as a opinion based plus for reasons which FPoPP mentioned above.
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