+2 votes
by (5,070 points)
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I lost many times the auctions of a house, what strategy do you think is the best to win an auction? and how it works when somebody bids on last seconds? it resets the time?

4 Answers

+2 votes
by (7,037 points)
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  • Think on how much money you want pay by a house (At max).
  • Check your bank balance in game, to see if you have all the money.
  • Check the time of the server save on your local time (As accurate as you can).
  • Enter 5 minutes before server save to Tibia.com and login your account.
  • 3 minutes to go server save, open the page of bid of the house and enter all requirements (Amount, password, select character...)
  • When 1-2 minutes to go server save bid the max amount to the house.
  • Just bid on the last minutes of the house, it can help you (If people think there is no other players who want buy the house).
+1 vote
by (5,689 points)
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  • Give 100kk - automatic win :D (sorry, now Is 100kkk)
  • Bid from noobchar
  • Give "weird" price like 1076556gp
  • stalking auction 30mins before server save
+1 vote
by (4,336 points)
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Best answer

In my opinion is not easy to win house even if you are really rich because of new autowin price.

With the implementation of new rents for all houses and guildhalls, we have also increased the maximum bid amount to 10,000,000,000 gold

Few steps what to do if you wanna win house auction:

-  Check your bank balance and be sure all your money are in bank.

- Ask owners of houses around house what you gonna bid  how much they paid for their houses (so you can prepare your budget +/-)

- If no one is bidding the house, make sure that you will have web connection in last day of auction.

An auction for a house starts as soon as a player makes a bid for it. Auctions last for 7 days, counting from the day the first bid has been made.

- Set on tibia.com max price what you can pay for the house. People often wait for last moment to put their offer but they doesn't know your max bid.

You have set your bid limit to 1000 gold. As long as there is no other bidder the bid remains set to 0 gold. Now another player appears on the scene who is prepared to bid up to 500 gold. However, as you have set a higher or the same limit you will automatically outbid him. You are now bidding 500 gold pieces. 

by (4,162 points)
Yes right they doesnt't know your bid but if ppl know that you have a lot of money they can also raise your bid and then you will pay a fortune... so in my opinion this is not the best solution to give the biggest offer, better to raise in the last seconds and give a good offer. I remember how I wanted to buy a house in Thais. Someone beat my offer a minute before. I knew that this person has a lot of money and gave a very large sum, where my offer was for 20kk. I raised the price to 120kk and this person had to pay so much for this house and was not even worth it.
by (4,336 points)
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Yeah but if they bid it mean they want to pay more for that house (you can also use noob char so they don't know is you). If you put your last offer before ss you dont know what is max price of other people. You know  if you see someone is bidding house and he wanna pay a lot you can always borrow cash from friends or something..You can wait with your offer until last day before finish auction, but someone can bid max price 10kk more than you and you will lose auction.
+1 vote
by (4,311 points)
Every house that I won the auction I used the same strategy. In the last minute I bid the maximum that worthy to me. It doesn't mean you will get the house always, but increase your chances working with the maximum money that you are able to waste.


Houses are private buildings that can be rented by players. They can be found anywhere in Tibia. Houses come in three forms: there are normal houses that are designed as resting places for single characters or for small groups of friends, shops in which players can build up a prospering business, and guildhalls in which whole guilds can find shelter!

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