+3 votes
by (1,669 points)
With the Winter Update 2021, launched today, a new system to upgrade certain items was implemented. These items are split into 4 different classes. Which are all the items that can be upgraded on such system and their respective classes?

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (2,426 points)
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There are a total of 627 upgradable items (class 1: 208, 2: 244, 3: 72, 4: 103), so the list does not fit here in text. But we can display all of them using the information from TibiaWiki: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Equipment_Upgrade#Upgradable_Items

  • Classification 4

Classification 3

Classification 2

Classification 1

  • The classification of the items is based on availability. The rarer an item, the higher its classification. Both the actual number of existing items in the game, as well as the potential availability from creatures, bosses, quests etc. played a role. For the latter, various factors have been considered, like e.g. drop chance and boss cooldowns. Class 1 items are everything which can be bought from NPCs, as well as otherwise highly available items. The availability of class 4 items on the other hand is the most limited (including items which cannot be gained in the game any longer and have to be acquired from other players, e.g. golden helmet), whereas class 2 and 3 items lie inbetween.1
by (1,534 points)
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the most interesting thing of all, is the knife on classification 2, that item would broke the entire difficult of getting higher tiers on class 2.*