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I got bored reading about RP and ED strenghts. Knight players are sitting quietly like a mouse. Is EK balanced according to you?
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3 Answers

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by (7,037 points)
I think the knight at the moment have really good balance, I mean yes in low levels is too boring but in 200 or 250+ it start get good balance, have chance too loot bosses, easy way to team hunts, rentable hunts, nice combo to deal damage, good to luring. Maybe in open fights on pvp have little problems but on this time people fight more with seconds mages.
by (5,796 points)
I agree, they actually do pretty well all around on PvE situations. However, they can be also crucial for strategical defenses on PvP combats (although the offensive part shall be taken by the ED/MS division on a serious fight).
by (7,037 points)
In small places like a wall can work but in open...
0 votes
by (228 points)

In my opinion, the imbument system had a real good impact on EKs, especially the solo hunters ones.

However, I feel they lack a little bit in the ability to output strong damage on bosses, and thier healing capabilities scale over the levels.

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by (1,582 points)

Biggest problem with knight is some huge disbalance between weapons since several updates, swords are much stronger than other weapons, gnome sword is too op  its stronger that endgame club falcon mace (1 atk less that gnome) and this update only deepened it now both swords and axes have good one hand ice weapon and clubs fighters still need to use 2hand resizer and falcon mace which is weaker than gnome sword and need much more lvl to use (300lvl vs 180lvl) so I do not think the knight is well balanced until there are such huge differences in weapons
