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by (7,037 points)
Who was the first Knight, Sorcerer and Druid on Tibia?

We know Elane was the first Paladin, but who was the first Knight, Sorcerer and Druid on Tibia?

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by (5,318 points)
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Knight- Banor himself.

  "To this very day he is especially revered as an ideal of chivalry and bravery by those who dedicate themselves to the art of hand-to-hand combat, for he was just and brave in battle, and his prowess with the blade is legendary to this very day."  1

However, on that note, NPC Gregor is claiming to be the first knight. 2

Sorcerer & Druids- allegedly, it would be Banor's Twin brother However, this prototype was stolen by Zathroth. 

"Legend has it that the gods were also planning to create a twin brother for Banor, and that this twin was to wield incredible magical powers." 

It is not really disclosed who was first Sorcerer or Druid:

"Uman introduced the race into the arcane art of magic, and many a human followed his vocation to become a powerful sorcerer. Others were instructed by Crunor the Lord of the Trees to learn about the secrets of life, and they became druids and learnt how to heal those of their brethren who were wounded in the war against the relentless enemy. Of all humans it was them who learnt most about the secrets of life, and in fact some of them assisted Crunor in creating many creatures that populate Tibia today. But many of their creations were soon enough wiped out in the course of the cruel struggle. And the war went on and on."

But we can deduct that Banor's wife- Kirana was a Sorcercer 

"He married Kirana, the noblest of all women, and she bore him Elane, who eventually came to master both the arts of distance fighting and the arcane art of magic, thus becoming the very first of the noble paladins. 

1. https://www.tibia.com/library/?subtopic=genesis&page=6

2. https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Gregor
