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by (1,534 points)
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While fusing we need a secondary item that would give power to our main item, the first one is called source item and improves our target item, but to improve it we need to "steal" power from our source item in order to succeed, even so, success isn't guaranteed, so different events that could affect our source item could occur, so:

What happens with our source item if we succeed in a fusion?

What happens with our source item if we fail a fusion?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (5,318 points)
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Best answer

Usually the source item will be consumed as described in detail underline. However, there is a certain chance of having “stroke of luck” where it might happen that item will not be consumed when forge is successful. 

There are two ways of ranking Tier- but in both cases and either succeed or fail source item will be consumed/destroyed. Only in option 1 (see below) the target item can be destroyed or tier rank reduced by one. You basically fuse two items into one if succesfull, or the weapon is destroyed in the process. However, when fusing items with tier zero and adding option of “Tier loss” reduction, we have chance of the item surviving unsuccessful fusion. 

From Tibia website:

1. The first one requires two of the same items to be fused, in addition to a sum of gold (higher tiers demand higher prices), and 100 dust. Success of a fusion is not guaranteed – there is a possibility that the second item will be either reduced by one tier, or, in case it was a tier 0 item, it will be destroyed. Using exalted cores, the success of the operation can be increased, however, and the risk of losing a tier gets reduced, should the fusion fail.

2. The other way to increase an item's tier is by transferring a tier from another item of the same class. The target item, which is to receive the tier, has to be tier 0, while the source item, from which the tier is transferred, has to be at least tier 2. This process requires 100 dust, one exalted core, and a sum of gold. The transfer is guaranteed to succeed. The target item receives the source item's tier by a reduction of one tier, while the source item itself will be destroyed during the transfer.



by (1,534 points)
could be, but im almost sure they did it intentionally to don't show all the mechanism of the forge, specially due this quote:

"We monitor the current usage of the system closely, and we are satisfied with the results. The necessary cost for upgrading items meets our expectations. Some of you can already call themselves the proud owners of a tier 3 item, and some players might have already discovered that using the forge may yield a pleasant surprise at times."

i mean something is not being said and im almost sure that have something to do with the successfull mechanism.
by (1,534 points)
ohhh i didn't saw this change that certainly fulfill my question, and since 3 months have passed and there is no indication of any event other than those cited in this answer, therefore they seem to be the only possibilities, thank you so much for your contributions.